Dr. K. Lynn Lewis
President and Professor

A creative, seasoned entrepreneur with a diverse professional background in business, education, and ministry, Dr. Lewis began his career as a hydrologist and dam engineer. After accepting a divine call to “leave your job and go to seminary,” he served as a full-time pastor, founded the media communications company InspireUSA, Inc. (registered trademark Celebrating the Best of America®), served as Director of Institutional Advancement at an 1800-student private Christian school, and then helped start The Bible Seminary. He has served on and/or led Boards of a K-12 private Christian school, university foundation, a pregnancy care center, a counseling center, an adventure ministry, and served as co-founder and Executive Producer of a fine arts program producing annual Broadway plays. An ordained minister (United Methodist Church, 1989-2022; Global Methodist Church, 2022-present), prolific author, producer, and publisher, he is the Founder and Executive Producer of Shiloh Network News and Founder and Executive Director of Nehemiah Press. He and his wife, Wendy, have three children and three grandchildren.