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All courses listed below may be taken at the Graduate (3-credit hours), Certificate (1-credit hour), or Audit-level. Audit students have the option of completing assignments for grades in case they eventually decide to pursue a degree. In such cases, students may petition the Provost to convert audit course work for graduate credit. See program, plan, or schedule for the CORE and ELECTIVE courses that correspond to specific programs.

Graduate Courses


ARC 501: Archaeology Theory and Methodology

The primary objective of this course is to train students in basic archaeological theories and methodologies.

ARC 510: Ceramic Analysis

The primary objective of this course is to train students in a basic understanding of and recognition of ceramic artifacts.

ARC 520: Excavation Practicum and Field School I

The primary objective of this course is to provide on-site opportunities for basic field training in archaeology.

ARC 521: Excavation Practicum and Field School II

The primary objective of this course is to provide on-site opportunities for advanced field training in archaeology.


ANE 501: Ancient Near Eastern CulturesEzra 4-6, Daniel 2-7 (Aramaic)

The primary purpose of this course is to expose students to the historical and cultural environment of the ancient Hebrews in Israel, which focuses on their interactions with the peoples around them, including the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Arameans, and other nations. The course will introduce students to Aramaic through the study of select passages in Ezra and Daniel written in Aramaic.

GRK 501: Greek Language and Culture I Jude, 2 and 3 John

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the New Testament books of Jude, and 2 and 3 John while learning the basic principles of biblical Greek.

GRK 502: Greek Language and Culture II 1 John

This course initiates the student into a study of the ancient Greek language of the Greek Bible, with a focus on the elements of Greek grammar that will assist him/her in understanding the rules and tendencies of grammar, as well as the syntax and sentence structure of biblical texts. The following areas are included in Greek Grammar I: Verbs (including Perfect Tense [of the Indicative Mood], Subjunctive Mood, Imperative Mood, and -mi Verbs), Participles, Genitive Absolutes, and Infinitives. The final part of the course is devoted to the translation and parsing of 1 John. Prerequisite: Greek I.

GRK 503: Greek Exegesis Gospel of Luke

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the New Testament book of the Gospel of Luke while applying what students learned in Greek Grammar by translating and studying specific texts in the Greek New Testament inductively, as well as continuing to explore advanced grammar and syntax concepts of biblical Greek.

HEB 501: Hebrew Language and Culture IJonah, Nahum

The primary objective of this course to exposit the Old Testament books of Jonah and Nahum while learning the basic principles of phonology, morphology, and syntax of biblical Hebrew.

HEB 502: Hebrew Language and Culture IIHaggai, Zechariah, Malachi

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the Old Testament books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi while continuing to learn how to integrate information gleaned from biblical Hebrew into practical ministry applications.

HEB 503: Hebrew ExegesisHabakkuk

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the Old Testament book of Habakkuk while applying what students learned in Hebrew Grammar by translating and studying specific texts in the Hebrew Bible inductively, as well as continuing to explore advanced grammar and syntax concepts of biblical Hebrew.

LAN 501: Foreign Language (Basic)

(Language associated with anticipated field of mission work. May be taken from TBS or another approved provider.)

LAN 502: Foreign Language (Advanced)

(Language associated with anticipated field of mission work. May be taken from TBS or another approved provider.)


BSM 501: Bible Study MethodsEsther, Obadiah, Mark

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of Esther, Obadiah, and Mark while learning the inductive Bible study method.


THE 501: Theology IGenesis

The primary objective of this course is to exposit Genesis while studying the doctrine of the Godhead and the doctrine of the Bible.

THE 502: Theology IIRomans, Hebrews

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the New Testament books of Romans and Hebrews while studying the doctrines of angels, man, sin, and salvation.

THE 503: Theology III1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the New Testament books of 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus while studying the doctrines of sanctification and the church.

THE 504: Theology IV Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, and Revelation, and study the doctrine of the end times, as part of a capstone review of theology.

THE 510: Church History I Acts

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the New Testament book of Acts while learning church history from AD 33 up to the schism in AD 1054.

THE 511: Church History II Luke

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the New Testament book of Luke while learning Church history from the schism in AD 1054 to present day.

THE 520: Biblical Archaeology Judges

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the book of Judges, and survey methods and results of archaeology as applied to sites and topics of biblical significance. Interpretive and apologetic uses of archaeology receive special emphasis.

THE 525: Ancient Near East History and Archaeology

The primary objective of this course is to provide a historical overview of the ancient Near East (ANE), as well as a historical review of archaeology in the ANE.

THE 550: Denominational History

Studies of a denomination’s history, including chronological development from inception up through present day, major characters, events, movements, and themes, as well as its impact and role amidst the larger culture of Christianity in America and other nations. Uniquely tailored to meet individual denominational requirements.

THE 551: Denominational Doctrine and Polity

Studies of a denomination’s doctrine and polity, including doctrinal and theological development, commonalities and distinctives, institutional documents, organizational framework, processes, and procedures. Uniquely tailored to meet individual denominational requirements.


PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of Job, Jeremiah, and Lamentations while receiving training in the basic principles of pastoral care and counseling.

PAS 502: Pastor-Shepherd IIEphesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon while receiving training in advanced pastoral care and counseling including training for weddings, funerals, hospital visitation, and crisis situations.

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader IRuth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings

A core ministry leadership course with an in-depth exploration of Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 

Kings that expounds basic principles of leadership in ministry.

PAS 512: Pastor-Leader IIJoshua, Ezra, Nehemiah

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of Joshua, Ezra, and Nehemiah while receiving advanced leadership training in ministry including budgeting, staffing, hiring, firing, finances, fundraising, church government, and conflict resolution.

PAS 520: Culture, Politics, and Society

The primary objective of this course is to provide a historical sweep of major cultural, political, and societal cycles and themes, as well as considerations of unique challenges and opportunities leaders face in the 21st century.

PAS 530: Organizational Models, Phases, and Best Practices

The primary objective of this course is to review representative organizational models and common phases, and highlight best practices in key industries including business, education, government, healthcare, and religion.


APO 501: Apologetics IJames, 1 Peter

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of James and 1 Peter while receiving advanced training in discipleship ministry and introduction to apologetics.

MIS 501: Missions I (Perspectives on the World Christian Movement)

The primary objective of this course is to peruse a variety of Scriptures while learning the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic perspectives on the world Christian movement.

MIS 502: Missions II (Discipleship, Evangelism, Church Planting)Deuteronomy, Galatians

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of Deuteronomy and Galatians while learning the principles of discipleship, evangelism, and church planting through advanced studies in anthropology and missiology.

MIS 503: Missions III (Anthropology)Amos, Habakkuk, Hosea, Micah, Zephaniah

The primary objectives of this course include the following: 1) exposit the prophetic books of Amos, Habakkuk, Hosea, Micah, and Zephaniah; 2) receive practical anthropological training relative to conducting missionary outreach; and 3) participate in a cross-cultural mission trip.

MIS 510: Missions Methods, Models, and Best Practices

The primary objective of this course is to study effective missions methods, representative models, and highlight best missions practices in local churches and in diverse mission fields around the world.

MIS 520: Missions Practicum

The primary objective of this course is to provide on-location opportunities for field training in missions.


PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I Isaiah

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the book of Isaiah while learning the basic principles of expository preaching and teaching.

PRE 502: Expository Preaching and Teaching II 1 and 2 Thessalonians

The primary objective of this course is to exposit the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians while learning advanced principles of expository preaching and teaching and illustrating sermons. Includes on-site visits to a variety of churches and in-depth sharing from dynamic preachers, teachers, and ministry leaders.

PRO 501: Communications Past, Present, and Future

The primary objective of this course is to review past, present, and prospective future communications tools and trends and impacts on people, culture, and society.

PRO 502: Professional Media Production and Publishing

The primary objective of this course is to teach the fundamentals of a wide variety of media, as well as engage in apprenticeship education utilizing professional media production and publishing tools and resources.


PRA 501: Prayer and Worship ILeviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms

The primary objective of this course is to exposit Leviticus, 1 and 2 Chronicles, and Psalms in conjunction with studying foundational elements of prayer and worship ministry.

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry (Bible Panorama)

The foundational class for all educational programs at The Bible Seminary, the purpose of this course is to introduce the content, themes, and background of all 66 books included in the Old and New Testaments. 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I Exodus, Numbers, Matthew

A core ministry leadership course with an in-depth exploration of Exodus, Numbers, and Matthew which serves as keys to understanding much of both the Old and New Testaments and the Christian faith as a whole. This course also includes a transformational focus on personal spiritual formation foundational to healthy living for anyone serving in ministry leadership at any level. Students also conduct at least 5 hours of ministry per week and debrief that ministry together as part of the course experience.

SFM 505: Spiritual Formation and Ministry V (Career Placement)Song of Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes

The primary objectives of this course are to study the books of Song of Solomon, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes devotionally, begin the process of vocational ministry career placement, organize one's personal life, and continue to focus on personal spiritual formation in a small group environment. The student will conduct a minimum of 5 hours of ministry per week and debrief that ministry together with peers and a professor. This course also includes on-site visits to various para-church ministry settings such as a hospital (exploring chaplaincy), cemetery and funeral home, and behavioral/mental health facility.

SFM 506: Spiritual Formation and Ministry VI Ezekiel, Gospel of John

The primary objective of this course is to study the books of Ezekiel and the Gospel of John devotionally while focusing on personal spiritual formation in a small group environment. The student will conduct a minimum of 5 hours of ministry per week and debrief that ministry together with peers and a professor.


CAP 590: Capstone

The primary objective of this course is to serve as a capstone experience for students through the process of writing a thesis (or optionally, taking comprehensive exams or completing a summative project). This course is not graded, but is Pass/Fail.

ELE 501: Modular Elective

This elective allows TBS students to customize a course focused directly on their area of ministry preparation through pre-approved and documented modules. The number of modules may vary based on the contact hours in each module. Graduate students must document 32.5 contact hours and complete a written summary of each module. Bible Certificate students must similarly document 16 contact hours. The Provost or designee will pre-approve modules, monitor progress, grade modules, and assign final grades.

* If you have other degree requirements such as Doctrine, History, and Polity courses associated with your church, denomination, or other organization, TBS can work with you to help make sure your educational journey includes the appropriate course(s).

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