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Student Handbook



Student Handbook 



This “Student Handbook” has been prepared as an addendum 

to the TBS Student Catalog to provide specific information relative to students. 


 Thus, for student purposes, the “Student Catalog” should be considered Part I, 

and this handbook Part II of a continuous document. 


The most recent version of this document is available for viewing and printing 

on the TBS website under “About – TBS Documents.” 



For more information, contact the seminary’s main office at: 


2655 S Mason Road 

Katy, TX 77450 


281-646-1109 (Phone) 


Main Campus Office Hours 

Monday – Friday 

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 




 The Bible Seminary (TBS) is an independent, non-denominational, 501(c)(3) charitable institution of higher education incorporated in Texas in 2010 to offer training for laity and vocational ministry professionals. On-campus and Distance Education programs include Bible Certificate and Vocational Ministry Certificate non-degree programs, as well as Dual Degree Completion, Master of Arts, and Master of Divinity degree programs. The seminary is an Accredited member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) approved to offer Distance Education, a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), an approved CEU provider for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), and an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). TBS aims to help nurture a biblically literate populace via comprehensive, strategic, Bible-based training. Faculty seek to integrate studies of the Bible with instruction in historical, theological, and practical disciplines critical to developing professional skills for life and ministry. Experiential education occurs through classroom instruction, study tours, hands-on ministry training, and community-based training with ministry professionals. Leadership includes Dr. K. Lynn Lewis, President; Dr. Scott Stripling, Provost and Vice-President of Donor Relations; Dr. Israel Steinmetz, Dean of the Graduate Programs and full-time Professor; numerous adjunct faculty, ministry professionals, and mentors who serve as part of the teaching team; and a Board of Trustees. 



 The Bible Seminary is a member of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) [15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA 24551; Telephone: (434) 525-9539; e-mail:] having been awarded Accredited Status as a Category III institution by the TRACS Accreditation Commission on October 26, 2020. This status is effective for a period of five years. TRACS is recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDOE), the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), and the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). For more information, visit TBS is an Accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Based on the ECFA Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, including financial accountability, transparency, sound board governance and ethical fundraising, ECFA accredits leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with the ECFA Standards pertaining to financial accountability, fundraising, and board governance.  For more information, visit or call 1-800-323-9473. The Bible Seminary is a participating member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), a private nonprofit organization [501(c)(3)] that helps expand students’ access to educational opportunities and ensure more efficient, consistent, and effective regulation of distance education programs. For more information, visit Also see:  • Council for Higher Education Database of Accredited Institutions • U.S. Department of Education Database of Accredited Institutions 

Covenantal Documents 


 The Bible Seminary requires all administration and staff, Board members, faculty, and graduate students to read and indicate agreement with a set of covenantal documents that help define the ideological, relational, and theological parameters of the seminary community. Generally, everyone signs these documents annually in conjunction with their employment, enrollment or re-enrollment, and service contracts. 



 The Bible Seminary exists to glorify God by training Christian believers in a context of biblical community in all 66 books of the Bible so that they can serve the local church and fulfill the Great Commission by the power of God’s Spirit. 

Core Values 


 Key Verse  "They read from the book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read." Nehemiah 8:8  Lordship – Because He is Lord (Philippians 2:11), we will continually ask Jesus Christ to sit on the throne of the seminary and on the throne of the lives of its faculty, administrators, and students for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).  Bible – Because the Bible is the fully true Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16), we will offer and require the study of all 66 books of the Bible before graduation with a degree. We will seek to creatively integrate classical theological disciplines and ministry training by studying books of the Bible (i.e. Church History will begin with the Book of Acts and keep going; Pastoral Leadership will come through the study of the Pastoral Epistles; Systematic Theology will flow out of the study of the Pauline Epistles).  Prayer – Because apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5), we will continually seek to plug into the Vine Jesus Christ through yielding to Him in prayer.  We will offer a unique emphasis on prayer, integrated with the curriculum, in classroom settings, meetings, and continual prayer opportunities in the life of the seminary.  Unreached Peoples – Because the return of Christ awaits the evangelization of all people groups (Matthew 24:14), we will keep our eyes on the unreached peoples of the world and train our students to have a heart for the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by seeking to reach millions of souls for Jesus Christ.  Local Church – Because the church universal (the body of Christ) is God’s plan (Matthew 16:18), comprised of local churches (Acts 20:28; Romans 16:3-5; Acts 5:42), we will have a symbiotic relationship of service, training and education with local churches and parachurch ministries.  Community – Because we were created for community (Genesis 1:26; Hebrews 10:24-25), we will seek to build a unique fellowship where we continually grow together in relationship and as followers of Christ, seeking to live as examples of biblical community, where authenticity and accountability are practiced, and where integrity is modeled and taught (Romans 12:4-5; Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-35).  Compassion – Because God has a huge heart for the poor and overlooked (Matthew 25:31-46), we will strive to motivate, equip, and train students to minister to “the least of these” as a lifestyle. 


Institutional Objectives 


 The Bible Seminary strives to provide faculty, staff, and support services that do the following: • Promote belief in Jesus Christ as LORD and the centrality of discipleship by offering Christ-centered educational programs and courses. • Promote all 66 books of the BIBLE as the fully true Word of God by integrating the study of these biblical books into studies of classical theological disciplines and ministry training. • Promote the vital priority of PRAYER by modeling and teaching prayer in classes, events, meetings, publications, and retreats. • Promote awareness of and compassion for UNREACHED PEOPLES of the world by offering education in missions and engagement in cross-cultural endeavors. • Promote experiential training by integrating LOCAL CHURCH and parachurch ministry leaders, site visits, and service opportunities into educational experiences. • Promote authenticity, accountability, and integrity through genuine communication, collaborative learning, and ethical relationships in an academic faith COMMUNITY. • Promote COMPASSION by providing education and cooperative experiences in ministering to the poor, overlooked, and underprivileged. Progress in achieving each institutional objective is measured with Likert Scale assessments completed by students prior to beginning and upon completion of curriculum.  Institutional Outcomes • The student will demonstrate mastery of all 66 biblical books by completing a summative Capstone project (CAP 590) as the culmination of his or her program prior to graduating with a degree. • The student will demonstrate learning proficiency, progression in study skills, and academic achievement through successfully passing course exams, improving scores between pre-course and post-course assessments, research reports, written papers, and class presentations. • The student will demonstrate evidence of core ministry skills in basic and advanced hermeneutics, pastoral leadership, preaching and teaching, biblically-based counseling, and cultivation of personal and group spiritual formation by successfully passing course exams, improving scores between pre-course and post-course assessments, and submitting high quality research reports, written papers, class presentations, and ministry service reports. • The student will demonstrate exegetical comprehension and applied learning from the study of biblical cultures, languages, history and theology through successful engagement in course assignments and ministry activities within the seminary educational community and beyond, and by successfully passing course exams, improving scores between pre-course and post-course assessments, and submitting high quality research reports, written papers, and class presentations.   

Doctrinal Statement 


 • We believe in the inspiration and authority of Scripture – The Bible is the only inspired Word of God, fully true, and our sole authority for all that we believe and do (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Matthew 5:18). We hold to the inerrancy of Scripture, as outlined in the “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.” • We believe in one God – There is only one true God who exists eternally in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; John 14:9; Acts 5:3-4,9; 2 Corinthians 3:17; 13:14; Hebrews 1:1-3, I John 5:7). • We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ – Jesus Christ is Lord, being fully God and yet fully Man, born of a virgin, as affirmed in the Nicene, and Apostles’ Creeds (Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1-2,14; Philippians 2:5-8; Colossians 1:13-20; Hebrews 1:8). • We believe in substitutionary atonement – Jesus Christ died on the cross as our substitute – taking upon Himself the penalty of the sins of fallen humans (John 1:29; Romans 3:25-26; 5:8, 12-19; Galatians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18). • We believe in the resurrection of Christ – Jesus rose from the dead in a bodily resurrection defeating sin and death (Romans 6:4-9; 10:9; 1 Corinthians 15:3-6). • We believe in salvation by grace through faith alone – A person is saved from eternal separation from God as a free gift when that person places their faith in Jesus Christ who is the only way to the Father (John 1:12; 3:16; 5:24; 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 1:16-17; Ephesians 2:8-9; Revelation 21:27). • We believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ – Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead (Matthew 24-25; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 19-21). • We believe in heaven and hell – Believers in Jesus Christ will be resurrected to everlasting blessedness and joy in eternal fellowship with God (1 Corinthians 15:35-57; 2 Corinthians 5:1-9; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Revelation 21:1-7; 22:1-5). Unbelievers will be resurrected to conscious separation from God and eternal punishment (Matthew 25:41,46; Mark 9:43-48; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Revelation 14:9-11;20:10-15; 21:8).   WHERE WE STAND ON SOME CONTROVERSIAL SOCIAL ISSUES We acknowledge that the following social issues  generate  much pain and division in some churches, and we do not approach these issues lightly or glibly. But we also acknowledge that at the heart, these are authority of Scripture issues. We believe the Bible is clear about the following:  • Abortion – We believe human life inside a mother’s womb begins at conception and that at conception, a real human being is created in the image of God (Psalm 139:13-16; Jeremiah 1:4-5; Luke 1:39-45) and, therefore, that abortion is murder and wrong/sin (Exodus 20:13). We believe God offers full forgiveness to an abortive mother/father who has turned to Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:13-15; Ephesians 1:7).  • Celibacy, Marriage, and Sexuality – We believe God created humans in His image, intentionally and immutably male and female, each bringing unique and complementary qualities to sexuality and relationships (e.g., Genesis 1:27; 2:18, 21-24; Matthew 19:4-5; Ephesians 5:22-33). Celibacy, marriage, and sexuality in general are gifts from God to be expressed:  (1) within specific boundaries He designed for our safety and pleasure, and (2) within the confines of His purposes, which include gratefully honoring the Lord with our bodies and minds (e.g., Proverbs 6:20-7:27; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 7:19-20; Ephesians 4:17-5:21). 


  We believe God ordained marriage to be a lifelong union between one man and one woman (e.g., Genesis 2:18, 21-24; Matthew 19:4-9, Mark 10:5-9, Ephesians 5:31). God’s design for sexual acts is within marriage for the purpose of moral human procreation and the unique pleasurable intimacy (one flesh) intended for husbands and wives (e.g., Genesis 1:27-28; 9:1; 35:11; Psalm 127:3; Proverbs 5:18-19; Song of Solomon 7:6-13; 1 Corinthians 7:5). Sexual acts outside God-instituted boundaries are sinful and defy God’s natural order, plans, and purposes (e.g., Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 18:7-23; 20:10-21; Matthew 5:27-28; 15:19; 1 Corinthians 6:9-13; Galatians 5:19; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:2-8; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; Jude 7, cf. Genesis 19). We do not believe in ordaining self-avowed practicers of such sexual sin, and do not believe in ceremonies that celebrate same-sex unions (e.g., Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:18-32; Hebrews 13:4). • Ministry Leadership – We believe persons engaged in willful, ongoing sinful practice(s) should not serve in ministry leadership (Romans 1:18-32; I Corinthians 5:1-13 and 6:9-20; I Thessalonians 4:1-8; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9), and those already serving in ministry leadership who engage in ongoing sinful behavior(s) should be disciplined and removed from ministry leadership (I Samuel 15: Matthew 18:15-18).  We believe true repentance is an essential first step in the sanctification process necessary towards restoration of ministry leadership (I Corinthians 6:9-11; I Thessalonians 4:1-8). Therefore, anyone considering ministry leadership via a path that includes seeking a degree from and/or working for The Bible Seminary should evidence public and private freedom from sinful behavior(s) over time (Matthew 3:8; Acts 26:20; James 2:14-26), since ministry leadership is incorporated into official positions and roles at The Bible Seminary, including administration, board, faculty, staff, volunteers and students.”  

Ethos Statement 


 It is a high honor and privilege to represent God to people by training for and serving in ministry. When people see someone “in the ministry,” they see that person as representing Christ’s church. It is for this reason that the Bible outlines in 1 Timothy 3 some of the expectations and qualifications of a leader in the church.  It is very important for each member of the seminary community (no matter what their position) to seek to live up to these standards (with God’s help and empowerment). Thus, we ask each member of the seminary community to covenant to lead a life that is “above reproach” as defined by the following Ethos Statement. The heart of this document is healthy community full of grace and truth (John 1:17). As a member of the seminary community, I agree, with God’s help and empowerment, to live by the following ideals to the best of my ability: 1. I will seek to walk with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Genesis 5:22; John 17:3; Mark 12:29-31; Ephesians 2:8-9). 2. I will seek to have no other gods than Jesus Christ (Exodus 20:3-6; 1 Peter 3:15).  I will seek to keep myself from idolatry (1 John 5:21) by not making idols out of money, sex, power, people, material things, school, or ministry success. 3. I will work as “unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23-24).  I will give God my best in my family, in my job performance and in my training for ministry. 4. I will refrain from sexual immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).  If I am married, I will be faithful to my spouse (Exodus 20:14).  If I am single, I will remain celibate in my singleness.  I will not engage in homosexual practice (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). 5. I will refrain from drunkenness or the use of illegal drugs (Ephesians 5:18).  I will not allow a substance to control me, rather I will seek to be controlled by God.  If I choose to “drink socially,” I will do so in a way that does not cause other people to stumble (1 Corinthians 8). 6. I will practice Biblical conflict resolution.  If someone hurts or offends me, I will go to that person and speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15,25) and forgive them (Ephesians 4:32).  If this does not resolve the issue, I will then involve a second person as prescribed in Matthew 18:15-17. I will not slander another person by talking negatively about him/her (Ephesians 4:31). I will seek to build others up with my words (Ephesians 4:29).  If I cannot bring resolution through these steps, I will seek counsel. 7. I will be respectful of those in authority over me and submit to their leadership (Hebrews 13:17) unless they were to call me to do something contrary to Scripture (Acts 5:27-29).  I will seek humbleness in my life (1 Peter 5:5-6). The purpose of this Ethos Statement is to maintain order (1 Corinthians 14:40) and to uphold integrity, respect, honor, and character (2 Timothy 2:20-22).  There is plenty of grace in this community for mistakes (James 5:16), whereas there is not room in this community for blatant and unrepentant rebellion (1 Corinthians 5).  I agree to do my best to live by this Ethos Statement with God’s help and power through Jesus Christ and for His glory. 

Academic Freedom Statement 


 The Bible Seminary (TBS) provides academic instruction and vocational training for Christian ministers to perform as pastors, counselors, missionaries, church planters, and leaders. Supporting this mission are the seven adopted Core Values of TBS and basic Christian convictions stated in the TBS Covenantal Documents and the Faculty Handbook. Diversity of education and religious viewpoint is available to society through the plurality of global academic institutions. At TBS, we invite the richness of interpretation and study of the Bible as we seek its deepest meaning and truth. TBS is to be distinguished as an academic institution that shares a basic set of Core Values among its students, faculty, administrators, and Board of Trustees. Instruction, research, and academic investigation are to uphold and respect the positions provided in the Core Values, the Ethos and Doctrinal Statements, and the Faculty Handbook. For example, the following statement from the TBS Faculty Handbook summarizes one of our institutional doctrinal positions that we expect all TBS faculty to uphold:  Creationism versus Evolution God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1); God set the land to produce seed-bearing plants and trees (Genesis 1:11-12); God created all living things in the sea and on land, and the birds of the sky (Genesis 1:20-25); and God created man, male and female (Genesis 1:26-27). Scientific observations make obvious that God’s creation is uniquely enabled by God to adapt to its environment, making subtle changes over time to survive and thrive in the world – a process often described as “micro-evolution.” Humans have also adapted and diversified, as indicated by the many races, peoples, and societies that have developed through the ages. However, this ability to adapt is not a substitution for the absolute truth that God created humans in His image (Genesis 1:27), breathed life into man (Genesis 2:7), and, after the discovery of sin by the first humans, Adam and Eve, God dispatched mankind to the less-than-perfect circumstances in which we live life today (Genesis 3:14-24). Therefore, while we acknowledge the phenomena of micro-evolution, we reject the macro-evolutionary theory of how plants, animals, and humans came to exist. Rather, we embrace the biblical view of creation that God created the heavens and the earth and all that is within it, including humans. We are open to either a young earth view of creation (where “yowm” = 24-hour period) or an old earth view of creation (where “yowm” = an age).  In general, Academic freedom means individuals have rights to engage in intellectual debate, research, and speech, through written or electronic correspondence, on and off campus, without fear of censorship, retaliation, or sanction. This freedom encompasses rights to maintain academic standards and gives faculty members reasonable latitude in deciding how to teach assigned courses; encourages intellectual integrity; sustains pedagogical approaches consistent with disciplines taught; and informs evaluations of student work, all exercised within the shared boundaries defined by the TBS Covenantal Documents. Academic freedom does not involve expressions that substantially impair the rights of others or the imposition of political, religious, or philosophical beliefs on individuals of the TBS community. Academic Freedom does not provide protection of faculty who demonstrate professional ignorance, incompetence, or dishonesty with regard to their assigned discipline or fields of expertise, or who engage in arbitrary or capricious evaluation of students. All members of the TBS community have a right to due process. Anyone alleging or responding to a potential breach of academic freedom should follow the TBS Grievance Policy. 

Nondiscriminatory Policy 


 The Bible Seminary admits students of any race, sex, color, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Seminary. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its hiring policies, educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs. 

Philosophy of Education 


 We believe the Bible, written by many authors and inspired by one Spirit, is the best training manual for ministry.  We believe that engaging in ministry, analyzing ministry, and studying ministry – in association with called, life-giving, seasoned and Spirit-filled professionals – is an effective educational model.  We believe a balanced, Bible-based, Christ-centered, mission-focused educational approach includes a comprehensive curriculum that integrates studying all 66 biblical books along with studying standard historical, theological, and practical disciplines critical to developing professional skills for 21st century ministry.  We believe that challenging and nurturing students, getting them into the Word of God, and helping them think biblically while listening to the Holy Spirit, involves a unique combination of professional ministry training, cutting-edge tools, and extraordinary experiences.  We believe that interactive personal engagement over time, among groups of individuals with a common set of core values and doctrines and ethical standards, and with diverse backgrounds and experiences, can offer an exciting, family-friendly, practical, rich, and unparalleled learning environment.   We believe that a journey of theological education should accomplish the following: • Glorify the Lord • Be rooted in His Word • Nurture an intimate, faithful, trusting relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit • Cultivate a contextual and more profound understanding of God and creation, scripture and the world, heaven and earth, culture and history, time and eternity, and things seen and unseen • Equip students with relevant experiences, knowledge, relationships, training, and tools for a lifetime of ministry leadership • Lead to a passionate commitment to love and serve the Lord and others with all that students are and have, in perpetuity.  



 Incorporation and Licensing • Independent and non-denominational • Registered Domestic Non-Profit Corporation in the state of Texas (Feb 2010) • Registered IRS 501(c)(3) Charitable Institution of Higher Education (Aug 2010) • Exemption by Texas Workforce Commission (Mar 2011, Oct 2018, Aug 2020) • Exemption by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (May 2011) • Affiliate Member of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (2012 - Jul 2021) • Approved CEU provider by the Association of Christian Schools International (Oct 2015) • Approved by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) for Applicant Status (Jan 2018), Candidate status (Apr 2019), Accredited status (Oct 2020), and to offer Distance Education (Apr 2021) • Approved accredited member of ECFA (Sep 2019) • Approved member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (Dec 2021) Founders • Dr. James E. Leggett, Founding President (2010-13) • Rev. Paul Helbig, Bible Institute Co-founder and Lead Faculty (2008-16) • Mr. Dan Dunham, Founding Board of Trustees Chair (2010-13) • Grace Fellowship Church, Seed funding for launch (2010-11) Executive Officers • President, Dr. K. Lynn Lewis (2014-present), Executive Vice-President/Provost (2011-13) • Provost, Dr. Scott Stripling (2017-present) • Vice-President of Finance and Administration, Mr. Rick McCalip (2010-present) • Board of Trustees, Mr. Adam Peters (Chair) with 9 total members Programs • Master of Divinity (84-credit hours) • Master of Arts (four majors plus 4 concentrations, 48 to 60-credit hours) • Dual Degree Completion (Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry in conjunction with a TBS MA or MDiv) • Vocational Ministry Certificate (27-credit hours) • Bible Certificate (10-credit hours) Faculty • Two full-time administrators who also teach • One full-time faculty member and 15+ adjunct professors • 50+ professionals who serve as mentors and visiting teachers Unique Features • All programs cover all 66 books of the Bible • Comprehensive, relevant education and training for 21st century leadership • Local mentoring and training opportunities throughout the graduate degree programs • Educational experiences in classrooms, on-site visits to regional locations and international locations, especially in Israel Special Program Elements • Distinctively clear Cove Values (Lordship of Christ, Bible as fully true Word of God, Prayer, Unreached Peoples, The Local Church, Community, and Compassion), doctrine, and ethos statements • Holy Land Study Tour opportunity • Technological study and resource tools • Multiple experiential learning opportunities • Strong commitment to helping students graduate with ZERO ($0) seminary debt 



 The Bible Seminary’s passion for vibrant Bible-based, Christ-centered, mission-focused leadership training began with Dr. James E. Leggett, founder and senior pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Katy, Texas. Under the leadership of Teaching Pastor, Paul Helbig, the church established a Bible Institute in 2008 teaching all 66 books of the Bible. A team led by future Board Chair, Dan Dunham, and Vice-President of Finance and Administration, Rick McCalip, helped incorporate The Bible Seminary (TBS) in 2010 as an independent, non-denominational, charitable 501(c)(3), educational institution of higher education. The Board named Dr. Leggett as volunteer President and the church raised $1,100,000 from 260 donors to help launch the seminary.  In 2011, the Board hired Dr. K. Lynn Lewis as full-time Executive Vice-President and Provost; received exemptions for its Master of Divinity program by the Texas Workforce Commission and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; transferred the Bible Institute from Grace Fellowship to TBS; and graduated the first 12 students from the Bible Certificate program in December 2011. In 2012, TBS received approval for Affiliate status with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). The graduate program launched on September 4, 2012 with 12 inaugural students. In 2014, Dr. Leggett resigned as volunteer President, the Board named Dr. Lewis as President, and TBS hired a full-time Provost. In 2015, TBS established a Master of Arts program, a Dual Degree Completion program, a Licensed Professional program consisting of core graduate courses, awarded its first graduate degrees (seven Master of Divinity and one Master of Arts), launched a Spanish Bible Certificate program, and received approval from the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) to provide continuing education. In 2016, TBS began offering courses in regional locations. In 2017, the seminary hired Dr. Scott Stripling as Provost and Dr. Douglas Petrovich as full-time faculty member, revised the Bible Certificate program, and received recognition by the Knowledge Review as one of the 10 Most Preferred Divinity Schools for Religious Studies 2017. In 2018, TBS added four new Master of Arts programs, reduced Master of Divinity credit hours from 96 to 84, revised the Licensed Professional program, received approvals of exemption from the Texas Workforce Commission, and added new remote instructional locations.  In 2019, TBS hired Dr. J. Paul Nyquist as Dean of Graduate Programs and became an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). In 2020, TBS named Dr. Doug Petrovich Dean of Graduate Programs and Mrs. Carousel Pieterse Director of the Bible Certificate Program, renamed the “Licensed Professional” program the “Vocational Ministry” certificate program, and earned Accredited Status with the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS). In 2021, TBS received approval from TRACS to offer Distance Education and became a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). In 2022, TBS added four Master of Arts Concentrations, formed a publishing division (Nehemiah Press), opened the 3J Archaeological Museum, hired Dr. Israel Steinmetz as Graduate Dean, and named Dr. Scott Stripling as Provost and Vice-President of Donor Relations. 



Requirements and Procedures 

The Bible Seminary (TBS) offers training for laity and vocational ministry professionals through the degree and non-degree programs below. 


Bible Certificate (BC) and Vocational Ministry Certificate (VMC) – Enrolling in TBS graduate courses at a non-degree (audit or certificate) level requires completion and return of a "Non-degree Student Application.” Contact our office or click “Admission – Apply” on 


Dual Degree Completion, Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Divinity (MDiv) – Prospective graduate students seeking to prepare for vocational, professional ministry may initiate a degree application process as follows: 


• Submit an inquiry online at under “Admissions – Apply” 

• Send an e-mail message to 

• Call 281-646-1109.  Normal office hours are typically 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  If no one answers, please leave a message and someone will promptly return your call. 

• Visit the TBS at 2655 South Mason Road, Katy, TX, 77450.  Please call in advance to confirm an appointment. 

The application process will proceed through several steps.  Please contact admissions by e-mail or phone for assistance. Each applicant must provide the following information: 


• A completed Degree Application. Forms are available online at under “Admissions” or can be provided by e-mail or mail. 

• A $50 non-refundable application fee.  Several payment options are available. 

• Official transcript(s) submitted directly from the college or university to The Bible Seminary address. 

• Four references (including at least one pastoral reference) submitted by e-mail or mail to the Provost. 

• Authorization for a criminal background check.  Other than as specifically requested by questions in the Degree Application, an external criminal background check is not completed or utilized as a part of the admissions process.  However, depending on the ministry options selected by an admitted student, a background check may be required prior to beginning to serve in certain ministries. 

• A personal interview, to be scheduled during the admissions review process in person or by phone. 

Admission to a degree program will be at the discretion of the TBS Admissions Committee, based on their review of the information provided. General criteria considered as minimum requirements include the following: 


• Evidence of a clear calling of the applicant to a life of personal and professional ministry as a pastor, missionary, church planter, or other servant of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

• Applicant agreement to and acceptance of The Bible Seminary's Covenantal Documents. 

• Accredited baccalaureate degree or courses applicable to a baccalaureate degree with a minimum of 2.5 unweighted grade point average on a 4.0 scale. 

• For students whose primary language is not English, a TOEFL iBT score of at least 79, TOEFL CBT of 213, or TOEFL PBT of 550, or 7.0 IELTS. 

The TBS Admissions Team is afforded discretion to grant exceptions to degree, grade point, and English language criteria, within the bounds of applicable accreditation standards. 


Admissions Procedure – Initial contact with TBS inquiring into a degree program earns prospective students a status of “Inquiry.” Following the submission of a completed application and payment of the application fee, the TBS Admissions Team will open an application file for the student and move them from “Inquiry” to “Applicant” status. Generally, “Applicant” files are reviewed and students notified on a monthly cycle, as reviews are conducted and students notified within a maximum of 30 days. Regular notifications, usually by e-mail or phone, inform students about their application status, as well any notes, requests, or items pending receipt or review. 

Upon receipt and review of all application materials requested, the TBS Admissions Team makes a determination of “Accepted Applicant” or “Denied Applicant” and follows up with both a letter sent by postal mail and e-mail. Acceptances additionally include information about enrollment procedures, financial aid awards, and upcoming dates, deadlines, and events. Accepted applicants who subsequently enroll in at least one seminary course within one year of the date of acceptance will be moved to “Student (Graduate)” status. Accepted applicants who subsequently fail to enroll in at least one class within one year of the date of acceptance may be marked “Applicant Withdrawn.” Reconsiderations may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  


Competency Assessment – The Admissions Committee, comprised of all full-time faculty members and administrators, seeks to ensure that students have the thinking, writing, and research skills to succeed at TBS. An earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution normally demonstrates acceptable mastery in these critical areas. The Admissions Committee further seeks evidence that a prospective student possesses a baseline of biblical knowledge. Undergraduate or graduate degrees in Bible or a related field of study normally satisfy this criterion. Students with undergraduate degrees in unrelated fields may be asked to complete an admissions exam if they are unable to establish through a portfolio that they satisfy this requirement. 


Residency Requirements 

• TBS does not offer residential housing as part of the on-campus experience. 

• TBS does not require students who are U.S. citizens or legal residents to live on or within a certain distance of the main campus, any branch campus or teaching site, or any remote instructional location. 

• Students may participate in courses exclusively live on-campus, live online (synchronously), recorded online (asynchronously), or a hybrid mixture. 

• TBS is NOT currently a Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP) approved school and cannot accept applicants in the U.S. under an F-1 Student Visa. 

Special Admissions Requirements – Students whose GPA is below 2.5 may be admitted to TBS on academic probation for a specified period of time, until they demonstrate the ability to successfully complete graduate-level work. Students who are incarcerated or who have been incarcerated may have additional requirements. 


Credit for Prior Learning – TBS does not grant credit for prior learning at the graduate level; however, students in the TBS dual-degree program may be awarded credit by exam, on the basis of certificates, or by assessment of prior learning, in compliance with the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). 


Admissions Policies Exceptions – Students seeking exceptions to TBS admissions policies must petition the Provost in writing. The Provost may grant exceptions to the stated admissions policies, assuming that the exceptions do not violate accreditation standards. The Provost or a designee monitors all students on probation and provides a written update to these students at the end of each academic year. 



• Undergraduate students in graduate programs – Dual-degree students will remain on academic probation until they complete all general education deficiencies or complete at least 12 TBS hours with a minimum GPA of 3.00. 

• New Students – Students admitted on academic probation may be removed from probation following successful completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours and earning a minimum of a cumulative 2.50 grade point average. 

• Existing Students – Current students may be placed on academic probation if the cumulative grade point average slips below 2.00 – the standard threshold for consideration for graduation with a graduate degree. Probationary status may require a student to take a reduced workload. Students on Probationary status for more than two consecutive terms will be dropped from seminary enrollment. 

• Readmission - Any student dropped from enrollment due to academic probation for two consecutive terms or a student conduct violation may, after a period of one calendar year from the date of removal, seek readmission. In order to reapply for admission and reconsideration, the student must explain how he or she has addressed the deficiencies in their education or conduct that will enable them to succeed the 

second time. All students readmitted will be placed on academic probation. No student will be allowed to reapply if he or she has been dropped from seminary enrollment twice. 

Withdrawal Procedure – Applicants and Accepted Applicants may withdraw their application at any time by contacting the Provost. There are no refunds of Application Fees. Enrolled Students may request withdrawal from the institution by contacting the Provost. All outstanding tuition and fees owed are still due in accordance with the policy below. Unpaid tuition and fees will result in a lock on student records and transcripts. Only upon payment in-full of all tuition and fees due will a former student’s records and transcripts be released to the student and/or any other institutions. The following conditions define the amount of refunds of tuition and fees paid to the seminary by a student or on behalf of a student may be issued for students who withdraw from TBS classes. Refunds will generally be returned to the original Payee(s) on record. 


Normal course schedule 

• Prior to the first day of the semester – Full tuition and fees refund, less a 5% administrative fee. 

• On or up to 10 calendar days after the first day of the semester – Refund of 90% of the tuition paid; no refund of fees. 

• After 10 calendar days after the first day of the semester, but not later than 30 calendar days after the first day of the semester – Refund of 50% of the tuition paid; no refund of fees. 

• After 30 calendar days after the first day of class – No refund. 

In cases where PART-TIME students withdraw who are taking a special or intensive class not concordant with the standard semester schedule, the policy below applies. 


Special course schedules 

• Prior to the first day of the class – Full tuition and fees refund, less a 5% administrative fee. 

• On or up to one calendar day after the first day of class – Refund of 75% of tuition paid; no refund of fees. 

• On or up to two calendar days after the first day of class – Refund of 50% of tuition paid; no refund of fees 

• On or up to three calendar days after the first day of class – Refund of 25% of tuition paid; no refund of fees. 

• On or after four calendar days after the first day of class – No refund. 

Hardship and other circumstances may necessitate special consideration of refunds, at the discretion of the Provost. In no case will scholarship funds credited to a student’s account be repaid to a student upon withdrawal. These unused scholarship funds will be redirected back into the seminary scholarship fund for use by other students. 


Veterans Affairs Policy 

Any eligible veteran may attend TBS courses beginning on the day that he or she provides TBS a Certificate of Eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapters 31 or 33 or a Statement of Benefits obtained from the VA website – eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes and ending on the earlier of the following dates: 

1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution. 

2. 90 days after the date TBS certifies tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility. 

TBS will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any eligible veteran because of the individual’s inability to meet financial obligations to TBS due to delayed disbursement of funds from the VA. TBS will require the student to pay the difference between the amount of his or her financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement. 


New Student Orientation 

Newly accepted students will have an opportunity to attend  New Student Orientation, usually at or near the beginning of the student’s first semester of enrollment. Orientation may consist of a private or group meeting with the Provost and others, and generally includes an overview of TBS academic programs, policies, procedures, resources, and student services. Instructions will be provided on how to access and use the Student Information System (currently OasisSIS and accessed from the “My TBS – Student Login” link on web site). Addition resources such as catalogs and handbooks can be accessed under the “My TBS – Docs” link on the web site.  For more information, contact the Provost or seminary office. 

Course Information and Resources 


TBS students should expect to receive a course syllabus, grading criteria, and class resources (graphics, handouts, notes, etc.) for their classes from their professors and via others means as outlined below.  Although TBS administration may assist with books and resource provision, students are expected to procure required course resources for themselves. If students require assistance finding or acquiring resources, they should contact the professor or seminary office. 

Bible Study Software 

Graduate students are encouraged to secure access to some type of digital biblical studies software program(s) while attending TBS. If a student does not already have a personal subscription or access to Logos Bible Software or another program, please discuss this with the Provost.  

Full-time students enrolled in TBS graduate programs are eligible to apply for tuition credit of up to $400 with proof of purchase of student technology resources. Provided to help students with coursework, the resources can help students graduate equipped, trained, and ready for action. For example, credit may be applied toward Bible software programs such as Accordance or Logos Bible Software, and/or purchase subscriptions to or JSTOR. Training is offered throughout the seminary experience in classes and special training sessions. 

To obtain the credit, students must be accepted, enrolled, and attending classes, current tuition and fees must be paid in full, and students must provide proof of purchase receipt(s) to TBS Business Manager. The credit will be applied AFTER the current semester toward any NEXT or thereafter semester tuition and fees. 

Email Addresses 

TBS does not provide personal email address accounts for students. The seminary does provide email addresses for administration, faculty, and staff that follow the conventional format of  However, not all faculty use their seminary address, so students should take notice of the faculty member’s preferred email address noted in the header on each course syllabus. 


Learning Assistance 

Students who require special educational accommodations should speak with the Provost prior to enrollment. Campus facilities are generally handicap accessible, and many learning and library resources can be made available in various audio and visual formats. Students should also communicate with their professors regarding any special accommodations needed for study, testing, or travel that may be recommended or required in conjunction with specific classes.  

Student Web Portal – Adding and Dropping Courses 

All students should have access to the TBS intranet.  All course records and most resources should be accessible through this portal. To access system account information:  

• Visit and click on "My TBS" 

• Fill out the login information: o Email: (your e-mail address) 

o Password: (contact the seminary office if you do not know yours) 

o Then click "Login" and “Success – Click to Enter” to continue. 

Generally available tabs under “Module”: 

• My Profile – name, contact info, login info, various information forms, calendar info, resume and portfolio information, giving, access to Amazon digital storage space.  

• Student – Student Dashboard, My Courses, My Finance, My Report, My Advisor, and Registration. Help Desk and Knowledge Base are available for online assistance in understanding and navigating these sections. 

o My Courses – Currently Enrolled, Pending Courses, and Enrollment History . “Currently Enrolled” view options include “Tree View” or “Chronological View” . “Resources” offers links to course resources uploaded by the professor(s). 

. “Class List” provides a list of currently enrolled class members. 

. “Progress Report” and “Attendance Report” provide information on your progress and attendance (A – Absent, EA - Excused Absent, UA - Unexcused Absent, L – Late, P – Present, LE - Left Early). 

. Enrollment History lists student historical enrollment information. 

o My Finance – Payment Plan, Pending Aid, My Account, My Cart, Tax Forms, and Make a Payment (students can pay online using a Credit Card or Electronic Check) 

o My Reports – Enrollment History, GPA Report, Degree Audit, Absence Report, Activity Report/Class Schedule, and IRS W9 Declaration 

o My Advisor – advisor contact information 

o Registration – student access to ADD or DROP classes . To REGISTER for classes, select “Begin Registration Now,” then select your name, then “Select Semester/Cohort,” then “Program of Enrollment,” and then select from available options to “Register” for a course 

. When finished, select “Refresh Cart” to complete the student registration process. 

. After the business office processes registration, students will be billed and names appear in class rosters. 

. To DROP a class prior to a semester, follow the same procedure as above but select “Drop” instead. To drop a class after a semester has already begun, please speak with the professor and/or the Provost. They will confirm any decisions with the Registrar and Business Manager in order to process any dropped courses. 


Facilities and Equipment 


TBS facilities are commonly identified using the nomenclature of “TBS@XYZ” to denote the primary location, plus additional “Classroom ###” to identify a specific location on that particular campus. 

TBS@Katy identifies the seminary’s main campus at 2655 S Mason Road, Katy, TX 77450. Classroom 270 on this campus is a standardized classroom equipped with student desks and chairs, a teaching platform with a pre-configured presentation computer, platform desk with a moveable podium, chair or stool, lighting, electrical power, wireless Internet (contact the office for the password), variable dual video projection, and built-in interactive audio capabilities. Classroom 263 serves multiple purposes as a smaller classroom, conference room, and main library. Former Classroom 250 has been converted to a museum during 2022. 


These main campus classrooms have a posted emergency plan, fire extinguisher, doors to both interior and exterior building access, and interior access to restroom facilities and water fountains. Free water is also available from the water cooler in Classroom 270. Students who would like to utilize available coffee makers on campus should bring their own coffee and contribute other occasionally supplies as needed. 

Students have access to seminary copy/fax services, paper, and other basic classroom and office supplies within reason. Some services and supplies, such as large volume copying and some color copying, may require additional charges. For more information, contact the Office Manager. 


The following are distinctive features of individual facility areas. For more information, speak with the professor, Provost, or other TBS staff member. 


Classroom 270 

• Two built-in video projectors offering dual or separate HD output 

• Built-in automatic tracking video camera 

• Built-in room microphone 

• Presentation computer on the teaching platform    

• Production system to manage presentations and connect online. The TBS Communications Director or associate typically manages this process, including synchronous live productions and online interactions, recording of classes and uploading final productions for asynchronous access. 

• Built-in dry erase board with markers 

• Built-in Logitech Scribe video conferencing camera accentuating an unobstructed view of the whiteboard 

• Comfortably seats 40 persons but can accommodate up to 56. 

• Includes a small kitchen area with coffee makers (bring your own supplies), a microwave, a standard size household upright refrigerator and freezer (no ice maker), and a large bottled water cooler. Students should label any personal items in the refrigerator or freezer. 


Classroom 263 – Main Library and Conference Room 

• Variable use room that includes books and other media resources in shelving on all four walls. 

• One large conference table that comfortably seats 8 to 10 persons 

• Two moveable tables configurable as follows: 

o Pushed together and seating 8 to 10 persons 

o Separated and seating 6 to 8 persons at each table 

• Comfortably seats 16 persons but can accommodate up to 26  

• Includes a small kitchen cabinet with a Keurig drink maker (bring your own supplies), small microwave, and small under-the-counter refrigerator. Any personal items kept there should be labeled. 


Classroom 250 – Museum, Offices, Production Studio, and Archaeology Library Collection 



Other Classrooms 

For the most current information about other TBS@XYZ locations, see the TBS Student Catalog under “Campus Resources – Instructional Locations,” the web site under “Academics – Campus” or contact TBS. 


Campus Offices 

The seminary’s main campus offices are located in the Great Southwest Equestrian Center business office complex just north of The Mansion on the Grace Fellowship campus, as noted on the campus map. 


Campus Study Space(s) 

The TBS classroom and main library can be available for independent or group study when not otherwise scheduled. The Grace Fellowship Worship Center porch just south of the TBS main campus offers a variety of outdoor gathering spaces with comfortable seating on a first-come, first-serve basis. 


Campus Technology 

Access to electrical power and wireless Internet are available in seminary classrooms, offices, the library, and some outside areas on campus. Additional technology assistance may be available from seminary staff, and, if necessary, can be arranged for a fee from an outside contractor associated with the seminary. Laptops and other portable devices are welcome in classrooms as long as they are used for educational purposes and their use is not disruptive to other students or instructors. Cell phones should be set on silent during class, and phone calls should never be conducted in the classroom during class time. In case of an emergency call, please exit the classroom to answer. 


Disability Access and Use 

The TBS main campus includes designated handicap parking spaces, ramp access available for all three main entrances, and handicap-accessible restroom facilities. Other instructional sites also have handicap-accessible parking, entry/exit access, and restroom facilities available. For equipment availability and use by those with disabilities, please contact the TBS office for assistance. For more specific details, see the “Building Use Policy” in the TBS Policy Manual available at under “About Us – TBS Documents.” 


Great Southwest Equestrian Center Campus 

The seminary is located on the 80-acre Great Southwest Equestrian Center (GSWEC) campus.  Exterior common space includes paved and grass parking areas. Primary student parking for the main campus is located in the paved parking lot in front of the seminary offices and classrooms (the west side of the buildings). Interior facilities available for seminary use include common restroom facilities and a water foundation.  Also, most GSWEC events are free and open to the public.  


Grace Fellowship Campus 

The seminary is located in proximity to the 30-acre Grace Fellowship campus, which includes ample additional parking south and southwest of the seminary facilities, a large worship center with a sizeable outdoor front porch, and several various sized meeting facilities. For access to these facilities, please contact the seminary office to help facilitate necessary arrangements. The porch is open without reservation to TBS students. 



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Building inset detail 


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On campus facilities include a library of more than three thousand theological study resources that include books, periodicals, and other items in various media formats (CD, DVD, video), plus a special archaeology library with more than 400 resources. TBS libraries are open whenever the offices and classrooms are open. General office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. See the current Academic Calendar for classroom hours. If you need special access, please contact the seminary office. 

 In addition, graduate degree students are provided subscription access to various digital resources (some financial assistance may be provided, but varies depending on funding). Other resources, available online under “Academics – Libraries,” include links to Journals, Online Databases, and Study Tools. For more details, the see “TBS Library Handbook” in the library or linked on the website. 

The Bible Seminary is extremely fortunate to offer our students local access to one of the emerging, premier biblical research libraries in the United States, the Lanier Theological Library. Housing a comprehensive collection of books, periodicals, magazines, artifacts, and historical documents designed to aid the serious study of Scripture, this impressive facility currently holds more than 60,000 volumes and will eventually hold over 100,000 books. The library contains several private collections of noted scholars that have been kept intact, and regularly hosts events with noted authors, guest lecturers, and researchers. The library covers the following research areas: 


• Ancient Languages 

• Ancient Near Eastern Studies 

• Biblical Studies 

• Church History 

• Classics 

• Dead Sea Scrolls 

• Egyptology 

• Monasticism 

• Patristics 

• Theology

Lanier Theological Library 

14130 Hargrave Rd 

Houston, TX 77070 



TBS students additionally have access to RightNow Media resources ( For information on setting up a student account to access these resources, contact the TBS Student Services Coordinator. 


Parking and Use of Automobiles on Campus 

Student parking on campus is available as noted on the campus map. No parking registration or decals are required, and there are no restrictions for the use of automobiles on campus other than related general state and private property laws in the state of Texas. 

There are designated handicap parking spaces, and the main TBS campus does have ramp access available for all three main entrances. Additional assistance may be available upon request. 

Primary parking for the main campus is located in the paved parking lot in front of the seminary offices and classrooms (the west side of the buildings). Overflow parking is available in the south and southwest parking areas on the Grace Fellowship campus. For more main campus and other location parking, see the TBS Student Catalog under “Campus Resources – Instructional Locations,” the web site under “Academics – Campus” or contact TBS. 


Restroom Facilities 

The main campus has handicap-accessible restroom facilities available down the back hallway. Other instructional sites also have handicap-accessible restroom facilities available. 


Safety and Emergency Response Plan 



This plan describes the general actions to be taken in response to undesirable incidents and emergency circumstances that may be encountered at the TBS main campus on the grounds of the Great Southwest Equestrian Center in Katy, Texas. The purpose of this plan and of the actions that may result from its implementation is intended to achieve these basic objectives: 


• Protection of life and prevention of personal injury, 

• Protection of property and equipment, 

• Avoidance of increased exposure to risk as a result of response actions, and 

• Rapid recovery and return to full, normal operations. 

The TBS campus consists of two classrooms, offices, library, and a small kitchen/storage area, identified by the Great Southwest Equestrian Center as, north to south, Suites 263 (offices, library), 250 (classroom and offices), and 270 (classroom, kitchen/storage). These facilities are located in the southwest corner of a single story, wood frame, metal-roofed building shared with other tenants, with common areas that provide hallway access, basic utilities, and restrooms. Utilities include electrical service, water, and telephone/internet. There is no natural gas utility connection to the building. No cooking is provided for or allowed in any of the facilities, including the kitchen (posted “House Rules”). 

Smoke detectors are mounted above each exit door in all three suites. Fire extinguishers are located near the east (hallway) exit doors in all three suites. 



Due to the small size of TBS and limited staffing, response to emergencies will require a strong dependence on local authorities. Members of TBS staff or adjunct faculty may be the sole individuals on site to assure an appropriate initial response to emergency circumstances according to the procedures described in this plan. Cooperation and assistance by students and volunteers are encouraged and appreciated. 

TBS is located at the southern boundary of Harris County and is therefore in the jurisdiction of the Harris County Sherriff. Fire, ambulance, and emergency medical services are provided by Harris County Emergency Services District (HCESD) #48. 911 service is available and should be the primary method of contacting response services in case of emergency circumstances. 


NON-EMERGENCY Phone Numbers 

Harris County Sheriff   713-221-6000 

Fire and EMT’s (HCESD #48)  281-578-2518 

Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital  281-644-7000 

Poison Control Center   800-784-7661 


Primary TBS Emergency Contacts 

Lynn Lewis     832-525-5244 

Rick McCalip    281-793-4561 

Orientation, Training, Exercises 


Employees, volunteers, adjunct professors, and instructors will be provided copies of this plan and a discussion of the plan’s provisions will be included in the process for developing employee performance agreements. The plan will be reviewed with students at the beginning of each semester’s classes. A poster summarizing general response actions and evacuation plans will be posted near the hallway doors at the eastern end of each suite. 

Fire evacuation exercises will be conducted once per semester, during a time of greatest number of class attendance. 


Procedure for Notifying Emergency Response Agencies 

In case of emergency circumstances requiring response assistance, a TBS staff member, adjunct faculty, or designated student should call 911.  The caller should remain as calm as possible and provide the following information to the 911 operator. If the incident is described below as a circumstance requiring evacuation, this call should be made by someone who has completed evacuation, while evacuation is continuing. 


1)  Describe the emergency 

• Injury of Illness Requiring Medical Attention or Evaluation 

• Number of ill or injured individuals 

• Fire or Possibility of Fire 

• Terrorism or Violent Threat 

• Life Threatening Situation 


2)  The Bible Seminary location 


The Great Southwest Equestrian Center 

2501 South Mason Road (Physical address) 


Facilities directly north of Grace Fellowship Mansion 

Suite 263 (Offices) and 250 and 270 (Classrooms) 


3) Answer the operator’s questions but respond “I don’t know” if not sure. 


Unless necessary to protect life, students should not move any injured or ill person. Provide comfort and, if someone is available, meet emergency services outside the building. Provide first aid only to the extent that the person feels confident in what to do and how to do it. 


Violence or Threatening Circumstances 

If the threat is outside the offices or classrooms, students should lock the exterior doors and doors to the hallway, call 911, and remain inside away from windows and doors until the authorities arrive. 

If the threat is inside the offices or classrooms, remain calm and attempt to do nothing to incite action by the intruder/perpetrator. Individuals should hide, use furniture as protection, and do whatever is necessary to minimize risk of confrontation and harm. If at all possible, exit the involved offices or classroom areas.  911 must somehow be called as promptly as the situation will allow. 

Students should provide the 911 operator as accurate a description of the person or person(s) as possible. Note the type of dress, height, weight, sex, and any other characteristics/physical items that are particular to the individual(s). Report the type of weapon (if known) and direction of travel or area entered.  Upon arrival of responding authorities, follow their instructions and assist as requested. 


Severe Weather 

If the immediate area is under a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning, close exterior and hallway suite doors and take refuge in the inner hallways outside the hallway doors of the offices and classrooms.  Remain in the hallway area until the warning has been released. Students and faculty are advised to utilize warning services available through cell phone-based services to receive notifications of severe weather warnings from the National Weather Service. 

KTRH radio (740 AM) and are the best sources of reliable weather information.  To confirm open/closed status of the offices and classrooms, contact Lynn Lewis or the TBS main office at 281-646-1109. 


Fire Emergency 

If an incipient stage fire is noticed and a TBS staff member or student is willing and able to attack the fire with an available fire extinguisher, please do so. Incipient stage is a fire which is in the initial or beginning stage and which can be controlled or extinguished by portable fire extinguishers without the need for protective clothing or breathing apparatus. If the extent of the fire is not visually verifiable as incipient stage, call 911 while immediately initiating evacuation, as described here. 

In case of fire or smoke, indicated either visually, by smell, by notification from others, or one or more alarming smoke detectors, students should immediately evacuate the building, using the main front doors to the parking lot. Those evacuating should leave personal items in place, except to the extent that a minimum number of items can be collected and carried out, as long as this can be completed in essentially one motion while proceeding to evacuate. Close all doors upon evacuation completion and leave the doors unlocked. Gather in the shaded area immediately behind the Great Southwest Equestrian Center sign, due west of the building, at the corner of Champions Way and Northmoor Drive (southwest corner of the parking lot). 

If any student, faculty, or staff vehicles are parked along the front of the building or near the 

building and if safe to do so, vehicles should be moved as far west and northwest in the parking lot as practical.  This is to protect the vehicles from damage, but also to assure access by responders to the possible sources of fire or smoke. Upon parking, students should lock vehicles and return to the gathering point. 

If, for any reason, the front doors are blocked, or the parking area appears unsafe for evacuation, students should check the back hallway doors for heat, and only if cool to the touch, carefully evacuate through the hallway toward the restrooms, exiting the building through the exterior door immediately across the hall from the restrooms. If this secondary route is used, the initial gathering point will be in the covered storage area due east of the exterior door. Fire extinguishers can be used to assure safe passage through the hallways to the exit.  

As evacuation completes, a member of TBS staff, volunteer, adjunct faculty, or student volunteer must verify that evacuation is complete, including verifying common areas and restrooms have been also evacuated. Evacuees are to wait at the gathering point for further instructions or until all clear is announced by response agencies or TBS staff. If the secondary evacuation route to the covered storage area is used, as soon as conditions appear safe, evacuees should walk to the north, around the north end of the buildings in the area, progressing west then south, returning to the parking area and the primary assembly point at the southwest corner of the parking lot.  After full evacuation is verified, individuals may be allowed to wait in their personal vehicles for further instructions or the all clear is issued. 


Bomb Threat 

If a bomb threat is received either by phone or other means, students should consider it a real and impending threat. Call 911 and report the threat. Classes should be cancelled, and students, adjunct faculty, visitors, and volunteers should quickly gather their personal belongings, visually survey their area for anything appearing unusual or unfamiliar, reporting any such issues to TBS staff, exit the building to vehicles and leave. TBS staff should move to a safe area nearby and await responding authorities. 

If a bomb threat is received by phone, stay as calm as possible and attempt to gain information from the caller: 


• Where is the bomb? 

• What does it look like? 

• When is it to detonate? 

• How will it be detonated? 

• Why are you doing this? 

• What is your name?  Where are you? 

• Can I pray for you? 

While on the call, students should listen for background noise, note the characteristics of the caller’s voice, and try to evaluate the emotional state of the caller. Note any caller ID information about the caller.  Immediately following the call, write down, as completely and accurately as possible, the statements made by the caller, answers provided to any questions you were able to ask, noted circumstances of the call and caller, and all caller ID information. 

If the threat is received by mail, students should immediately reduce, and avoid as much as possible, handling of the paper and envelope, preserving all materials for inspection by authorities. Write down the names of any individuals who handled the materials and write down a description of how the item was received (regular mail, express delivery, found in mailbox, etc.). 


Inspections, Review, and Documentation 

Inspections of fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, evacuation pathways, and assembly areas are performed monthly and documented according to the TBS Facility Inspection Procedure. A written record of each fire drill and noted suggestion for improvement is to be prepared by the TBS staff member coordinating each drill. 

In the event of notification of 911 or an evacuation, a written record of the circumstances surrounding the event should be prepared cooperatively by the TBS staff members, volunteers, adjunct faculty, or assisting students. Included in this record should be any difficulties or opportunities for improvement that are identified as a result of the event. 

At least annually, the TBS President shall lead a review of any incidents, reports, and of this plan, assuring completion of any necessary refinements and corrections. 


Use of Facilities 

The buildings, grounds, and equipment (facilities) of The Bible Seminary (TBS) shall be confined to religious, educational, social, service, and other character-building functions. Educational activities will always have priority over outside requests.  No meeting may be scheduled by any group that will conflict with any regular or special events involving the faculty, students, and administration of TBS. All classes and other events associated with TBS programs are routinely scheduled. Any additional requests for use of the facilities are to be approved and scheduled by the President and/or Vice-President of Finance and Administration. 




• Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia are strictly prohibited from being present or being used on or in any TBS facility. Appropriate action will be taken to safely remove anyone in possession of such materials or who may appear to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Any suspicious materials will be removed. Appropriate authorities may be contacted to assure enforcement of federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. 

• The use of tobacco products in any form is not permitted inside any TBS facilities. 

• With the exception of seeing-eye dogs or other medically-required service animals, no pets are permitted in TBS facilities. 

• Sponsoring groups who violate this Building Use Policy may be subject to the loss of facility privileges and/or immediate termination of the subject activities or events. 

• Concerning firearms, TBS complies with Texas Government Code, Chapter 411, Subchapter H, Section 411.2031, in that those individuals licensed by the State of Texas to carry a handgun are not prohibited from carrying a handgun on the TBS campus. However, according to the Texas Penal Code, Chapter 46, Section 46.035 (a-1), while on the TBS campus, with the exception of law enforcement and peace officers, license holders may only carry handguns in a concealed manner (not partially or wholly visible). All other firearms are prohibited inside TBS facilities. 


For additional details about use of facilities, see the “Building Use Policy” in the TBS Policy Manual. 


General Information 


Academic Advising 

Students have access to faculty for advising outside of actual class time. Faculty typically maintain availability at least 15 minutes both before and after classes as a recommended minimum. Additional time(s) of availability and contact information should be noted in course syllabi. Full-time faculty and employees may utilize their own office space on campus and anyone may use available classrooms and library/conference room spaces. Off-campus advisement is also acceptable, for instance at teaching sites, at an adjunct’s regular office or at restaurants or other establishments, provided all meetings in all circumstances abide by the TBS Ethos statement. 


Academic Calendar 

The Bible Seminary’s standard academic calendar includes one Fall Semester (typically September through December), one Spring Semester (typically January through May), and one Summer Intensive (typically June through August). 


Academic Progress 


• Academic progress in currently enrolled classes is available 24/7 to all students through their personal account in the OasisSIS Student Management System (SMS).  

• Overall GPA, degree audit, and enrollment history with GPA also available in student’s online accounts. 

• Faculty members grade and return normal assignments within one week and research papers within two weeks. Likewise, they record grades in the SMS for students to track their progress.  

• By following the assignment values in the course syllabus and by visiting their online accounts, students can know their current course average. Faculty members are available during posted office hours or by appointment to assist students as needed with academic progress questions.  

• End of semester grades are typically posted online within one week but no later than two weeks after final exams.  

• Prior to registration for each semester, students should meet with the Provost or their assigned advisor to assess academic progress toward graduation. 

Academic Standing 

TBS defines “Good Academic Standing” as having a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 for all course work, satisfactory progress toward the completion of degree requirements, and a reasonable expectation of successfully completing the degree program. 


Attendance Policy 

The seminary process of learning and discipleship includes consistent interaction with classmates, faculty, and other professionals. The Bible Seminary expects students to participate in all regularly scheduled course activities. Excused absences caused by emergency, illness or other justifiable reasons are permitted by instructors as excused. Students who expect to miss a class should notify the professor ahead of time, and all absences should include follow-up by the student to gain access to and review notes, videos, etc. from the missed class(es). For all courses, students must attend at least 75% of class sessions. Course designs determine the maximum absences allowed. For a 5-session course, 1 absence is allowed; an 8-session course, 2; a 13-session course, 3; and a 26-session course, 6. A student with excess absences may be removed from the course, may fail and be required to retake it to obtain credit, and unexcused absences may result in academic probation. Virtual participation, synchronously or asynchronously, is considered the same as being physically present in the classroom. 

Class Schedules 

Semester classes for the graduate programs are generally held weekdays. Most three-credit hour classes meet twice per week throughout a semester, although some courses may occasionally be held in one week or longer condensed intensives. 


Classroom Experiences 

TBS offers courses on-campus with distance education options. “On-campus” classes are usually taught on the main campus, but may also be taught at remote instructional locations such as camps, cemeteries, churches, farms, funeral homes, hospitals, ministries, museums, prisons, radio stations, retreat facilities, or other schools. 

Some classes are conducted on-site in more distant locations, such as in Israel, often in association with specialized degrees and additional, elective educational opportunities (e.g. Holy Land Study Tour). 

 Most courses involve face-to-face, live, on-site faculty teaching on-campus. Some course sessions and occasional courses involve faculty teaching live from a remote location, and some may include recorded content shared asynchronously with a live class.   

Students may also participate synchronously (live) via online platforms or asynchronously by watching recorded audio/video provided to enrolled students typically within 48 hours of class. Students participating via any of these alternate modes of delivery are held to the same standards as students who attend face-to-face. 


Course Load 

The Bible Seminary accepts full-time, part-time students, and audit students for most graduate classes, with some limitations, according to the definitions below. The standard course load for full-time students is 9 hours per Fall and Spring semesters, and three hours per Summer term. 

• Full-time (nine or more credit hours per semester) – Students accepted, registered, paying according to a full-tuition schedule, and attending 9 or more credit hours per Fall or Spring semester and 3 credit hours for Summer terms. 

• Part-time (eight or less credit hours per semester) – Students accepted, registered, paying according to a part-time tuition schedule, and attending less than nine credit hours per Fall or Spring semester and less than 3 credit hours for Summer terms. 

• Audit – Students registered, paying according to audit tuition schedule, and attending 1 or more credit hours per term. The number of students allowed to audit a course may vary per course in accordance with the class structure and provision(s) offered by the professor(s). 


Course Repetition 

Students who receive a passing grade in a course are not allowed to repeat the course for credit. Students who fail a course by receiving an “F” (Fail) may repeat the course for credit, and the failing grade from the first attempt only can be converted to a “NC” (No Credit) and not included in the calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average. Grades from all subsequent attempts following the first one will be included in calculating grade point averages. 


Course Work 

Each standard three-credit hour course at the graduate level typically requires an additional five to seven hours of work per week outside of class. Full-time students should expect to spend approximately 40 hours per week engaged in classes and course study and preparation. 


Credit Hour 

One credit hour at The Bible Seminary is equivalent to a minimum of 750 minutes of formalized instruction. Instruction may include classroom instruction, exams, experiential learning (such as internships), field trips, hybrid 

instruction, online instruction (timed and reported), scheduled formal reading and study sessions, supervised individual instruction and/or team projects, and workshop instruction, as well as breaks. A three-credit hour course totals 45 hours, including 32.5 hours of formalized instruction. Typically, out-of-class assignments average twice the amount of formalized instruction (1,500 minutes per credit hour). Most graduate courses at The Bible Seminary are designed to include weekly 180-minute sessions. Standard course designs for a 3-credit hour course are based on a 15-week semester that includes a reading week and final exam week and 13-weeks of: 


• Two weekly sessions of one-hour-and -fifteen minutes each = three hours minus two 15-minute breaks 

• One weekly session of two and half hours = three hours minus two 15-minute breaks 

Certificate-level students earning 1-credit hour engage in a minimum of 1/3 of a graduate course, with the option to additionally participate in the full graduate course classroom experience, if desired. 


Credit Transfers 

The Bible Seminary (TBS) is open to considering the eligibility of credits earned at other educational institutions toward course and program requirements at TBS. Likewise, credits can be transferred from one TBS degree to another TBS degree. Finally, TBS credits may be transferred from TBS to other educational institutions. 


Transfer of Credit to TBS 

• TBS accepts credits earned at accredited institutions of higher education as long as they are a comparable match in content to the parallel TBS course.  

• Credits from unaccredited institutions may be considered on a case by case basis. 

• Graduate students must earn at least 25% of the credit hours required for their degree from TBS, although at least 49% is preferred. 

• Assessment of credit eligibility may be determined in accordance with standards used by the National Course Atlas ( or other acceptable comparison resources.  

• Credit(s) earned at an undergraduate level are not eligible for transfer toward a graduate program, but they can apply for undergraduate requirements for dual-degree students. 

• The grade received in the course must be equivalent to a C (2.0) or higher at TBS. Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit courses will not be transferred. Rare exceptions may be granted by the Provost. 

• Credit transfers do not include the course grade, but only the credit hours. Thus, transferred credits do not count toward a student’s overall GPA at TBS. 

• For institutions that utilize another form of academic credit (quarter hours/units/trimesters) besides 15-week semesters, transferred credit(s) will be converted into semester hours. 

• Students desiring to transfer credits must request that their school(s) submit an official transcript to TBS for evaluation. In some cases, a school catalog and/or course syllabus will also need to be submitted to assist in determining credit transfer eligibility.  

• Notification of assessment to students will include the course(s) eligibility (Yes or No), any equivalency to TBS credit(s) and a determination of credits assigned toward a student’s program of study at TBS, as well as any relevant notes. 

• Verification of eligible credits and associated documentation must be kept on record in the student’s official file at TBS. 

• Assessment of credit transfer eligibility and final determinations are made by the office of the Provost. Reconsideration of denied credit may be requested on appeal to the Provost, but only after submitting full documentation and a formal case for appeal for each credit requested. Appeals will be decided, and the student notified within 30 days of submission.  

• Current TBS students considering taking a course from another institution to apply toward required program credit at TBS should submit a request for consideration of potential eligibility to the Provost prior to taking a course. Completion of a course anticipated to be eligible, but not confirmed in writing prior to taking, may or may not be approved. Upon completion of a pre-approved course, the student must request that the school(s) submit an official transcript to TBS for final verification, and final approval must be documented, filed, and the student notified as outlined above.   


Transfer of Credit from one TBS Degree to Another TBS Degree 

• Students with a completed TBS Master of Arts (MA) degree could apply 100% of all applicable hours to a TBS Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree. 

• Students with a completed TBS MDiv degree may apply 100% of all applicable hours to a single additional TBS MA degree. For example, a student with an earned TBS MDiv degree who desires to complete the TBS Master of Arts in Biblical Languages degree would only need to complete the language and culture hours not taken as part of the MDiv degree. 

• Exceptions may be considered on a case by case basis. 


Conversion of TBS Audit coursework to TBS Degree Credit 

• TBS graduate course audit students have the option of requesting that their work be graded and may take exams and finals in case they do decide to eventually pursue a degree. In such cases, students may petition the Provost to convert audit course work for graduate credit. If approved, the student would be responsible for paying the difference between the audit fee and the graduate cost per course. 

Transfer of TBS Credit to Another Educational Institution 

Educational institutions are autonomous in determining policies for transfer of credit. Since transfer credit is controlled by receiving institutions, TBS does not guarantee transfer of credits either to or from another educational institution. Students should thoroughly examine the policies of other schools to which they may wish to apply in the future regarding the potential acceptance, or non-acceptance, of TBS credit(s) or a degree. 


• TBS has no means to regulate or guarantee how other educational institutions handle the transfer of TBS credits.  

• Students are responsible for checking with any potential transfer universities to determine transferability of TBS credits. 

• No formal articulation agreements are in place between TBS and other educational institutions. 

• TBS students have historically transferred credit without prejudice to graduate programs, including doctoral programs, at other institutions of higher learning. 


Course Exemption 

In some cases, students may request exemption from required courses based on previous course work completed at another school, or based on relevant, verifiable life experience. However, exemption does not necessarily equal a transfer of credit. As such, alternate courses may need to be taken to make up the total number of credit hours required for a degree. Students desiring exemption should submit all pertinent documentation and a formal request in writing to the Provost. 


Degree Completion Parameters 

Full-time students can expect to complete the 84-hour Master of Divinity program in three  years, or the 48 to 60-hour Master of Arts programs in two years. Students have up to 10 years from the date of first enrollment to complete the program. 

Full-time non-degree students could complete the Bible Certificate or Vocational Ministry Certificate programs in as little as one year, depending on the availability of courses.  

Enrollment Classifications 

• Master Arts (MA) o Juniors – First-year students with 0-30 credit hours 

o Seniors – Second-year students with 31+ credit hours 

• Master of Divinity (MDiv) o Juniors – First-year students with 0-30 credit hours 

o Middlers – Second-year students with 31-60 credit hours 

o Seniors – Third-year students with 61+ credit hours 


Enrollment Status 


• Enrolled – All students accepted into the graduate program and actively enrolled in specific course(s) will be considered enrolled, with one of the following qualifications: o In Good Standing: All admissions materials have been received and student meets all preliminary requirements for the intended degree. 

o With Provision: Noted when a student’s file lacks an official document, or when a student does not meet a preferred preliminary requirement for the intended degree. Provision is removed when a student’s file is complete, or student meets criteria noted by the Admissions Team relative to the provision. 

o On Probation: Noted when a student has a below preferred minimum GPA but may also relate to other circumstances as designated by the TBS Admissions Team or Administration. Students may also be placed on probation for academic dishonesty (cheating or plagiarism) or behavioral infractions. 

• Leave of Absence – If it is necessary for a student to take a leave of absence (e.g., maternity, paternity, illness, etc.) for an entire semester or longer his or her standing as a student is not affected for a period of up to six (6) consecutive semesters or three years. At the end of the leave of absence, not to exceed six (6) consecutive semesters or three years, the student may enroll again in classes. If a student takes a leave of absence during the semester than he or she can potentially receive an “I” (incomplete) for all courses by contacting the Provost. 

• Non-enrollment - Students not enrolled in any class(es) for a period of one-year from the date of last enrollment will be inactivated, except under special, pre-approved circumstances as noted below. Inactive students will be required to reapply for admission. 

• Medical Leave – Provisions can be made for students with documented medical or psychological circumstances to maintain their acceptance status during leave without requiring reapplication for admission. This must be documented by appropriate professionals, and conditions of leave must be mutually agreed upon between the student and registrar and must be pre-approved by the seminary registrar, except in sudden emergency cases. 

• Military Leave – Similar provisions noted above can be made for students in military service. 

• Limitation on Term of Leave – Leave lasting longer than two years may require reapplication. 

• Delinquent payments – Students with delinquent payments may jeopardize their official status as enrolled students, including being dropped from a course or courses, and withdrawn for non-payment from the program altogether. Students withdrawn for non-payment and who desire to continue to study at The Bible Seminary must reapply for admission and reconsideration. 

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. This document details those rights. 

Students have the right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days after the day The Bible Seminary receives a request for access. 

A student should submit to the Registrar a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar’s Office, the Registrar shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. 

Students have the right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. 

A student who wishes to ask The Bible Seminary to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed and specify why it should be changed. 

If The Bible Seminary decides not to amend the record as requested, the seminary will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing. 

Students have the right to provide written consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information from their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. 

An exception which permits disclosure of education records without a student’s prior written consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official includes a person employed by The Bible Seminary in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the seminary who performs an institutional service of function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of personally identifiable information from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the seminary. 

FERPA also permits disclosure of personally identifiable information from students’ education records without the student’s written consent if the disclosure meets the following conditions: 

• To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer 

• To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs.  

• In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. 

• To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (a) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. 

• To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. 

• To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. 

• To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency. 

• Information the school has designated as “directory information.”  

• To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of § 99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. (§ 99.31(a)(13)). 

• To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of § 99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her. (§ 99.31(a)(14)). 


The Bible Seminary may disclose Directory Information without a student’s prior written consent. The seminary has designated the following personally identifiable information as Directory Information:  Name, address, telephone number, date/place of birth, field of study, dates of attendance, previous educational institutions, degrees/awards received, participation in officially recognized activities, denomination, spouse’s name, home state, full or part-time status and other similar information.  Students may restrict the release of Directory Information, except to school officials with legitimate educational interests and others as indicated in point #3 above. To restrict the release of Directory Information, a student must make the request in writing to The Bible Seminary, 2655 S Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450.  Once filed, this request becomes a permanent part of the student’s record until the student instructs the Registrar’s Office, in writing, to have the request removed. Even if a student blocks directory information, those persons authorized by law to inspect education records without consent may still inspect it.  

FERPA privacy guidelines pertain to traditional face-to-face TBS students and those who receive all or some of their instruction via any alternative instructional delivery methods.  

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by The Bible Seminary to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: 


Family Policy Compliance Office 

U.S. Department of Education 

400 Maryland Avenue, SW 

Washington, DC  20202 


More information regarding FERPA is available at 



The seminary uses the following grading system based on a 4.0 scale: 



 Minimum Points 

 Grade Points 






 Exceptionally well done 


















 Above average 




























 Acceptable, but below standards 









 Fail, no credit 










 No credit 



 Minimum Points 

 Grade Points 
















 In progress 






• Incomplete Work – A student may receive an “I” (Incomplete) in a course if all work for that course is not submitted to the professor or other designated person by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of Final Exam week each semester. Except for unavoidable emergencies, this circumstance requires pre-approval from the professor and the Registrar. Students will generally have up to the end of ten weeks into the following semester to complete the work, or the “I” (Incomplete) will be converted to an “F” (Fail). Students with an active “I” (Incomplete) in two or more classes will not be allowed to enroll in a new semester.  

• Pass/Fail Option – Students enrolled in an accelerated degree completion program may elect to take a maximum of six credit hours as pass/fail. Students successfully completing a course-designated pass/fail will receive a grade of “P” and those students unsuccessfully completing the course will receive a grade of “F.” A grade of “P” is not calculated in a student’s grade point average. A grade of “F” is calculated in the student’s GPA.  

• Repeating Courses – Students may repeat a course for which they receive a grade of “F.” Students are permitted to re-enroll one time in a course for which they previously earned a grade of “D” or higher. The grades and credit hours from all courses, not just the re-take, impact students’ cumulative grade point average.  

• Grade-Point Average – The grade points earned in each course are computed by multiplying the number of credit hours for the course by the grade-point value of the letter grade received. The student’s grade point average (GPA) each semester is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in all courses by the total number of credit hours taken.  

• Academic Honor Roll – The Academic Honor Roll includes students who earn a semester GPA of 3.25 or higher while taking 9 or more graduate credit hours.  

• Graduation Honors – The Provost certifies students for graduation honors according to the following standards: 

Summa Cum Laude 3.75 – 4.00 

Magna Cum Laude 3.50 – 3.74 

Cum Laude  3.25 – 3.49 


 Students who violate the Academic Integrity policy more than once are ineligible to receive graduation honors.  

• Change of Grade Policy – In the event that a student has a concern that a grade is inaccurate, he/she should approach the faculty member and provide documentation for the alleged inaccuracy within thirty (30) days of the last day of the term. Faculty members may submit a grade change request that must be approved by the Provost up to 90 days after the grade was originally submitted. 

• Policy on Returning Student Assignments – Returned work should be retained by the student in case it is required for a grade appeal. It is the responsibility of the student to collect work from the TBS faculty member. In the event that a student is unable to obtain the work directly from the professor and desires to have assignments returned by mail, a self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage should be included with the assignment when it is turned in. After a period of one semester, TBS and its faculty members reserve the right to destroy any unclaimed work. In the event the professor is willing to accept an assignment via email, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the professor received the e-mailed assignment. TBS faculty are only required to keep e-mails with assignments for six months from the date the assignment was originally sent to the faculty member.   

Graduation Policy 

Properly matriculated students are eligible to graduate from The Bible Seminary upon satisfactory completion of all academic requirements as certified by the office of the Provost AND all financial obligations as certified by the office of the Vice-President of Finance and Administration. Neither completed work with financial balances due nor payment in-full with academic work due will satisfy this requirement. In unique cases, students may be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies with their graduating class but will not receive a diploma until all the policy requirements have been met. 

Students desiring to graduate must pay the program-appropriate graduation fee (see “TBS Tuition and Fees” for the academic year of graduation) and apply for graduation upon enrollment of their final semester of their program and no later than 90 days prior to the next scheduled graduation ceremony. In accordance with the “Credit Transfer Policy” and accreditation requirements, graduate students must earn at least 25% of the credit hours required for their degree from TBS, although at least 49% is preferred. 

Programs outlined below include the following: Bible Certificate (BC), Vocational Ministry Certificate (VMC), Dual Degree Completion (DDC), Master of Arts in Biblical History and Archaeology (MABHA), Master of Arts in Biblical Languages and Culture (MABLC), Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MABS) and four concentrations, Master of Arts in Church History and Theology (MACHT), and Master of Divinity (MDiv). 


Bible Certificate (BC), Non-degree Certificate Program 


Required Courses              Certificate Credit hours 

BP001: Bible Panorama (or SFM 500 Grad Audit)     2 

BSM001: Bible Study Methods (or BSM 501 Grad Audit)    1 

OT001: Old Testament I (select from SFM 501 or THE 501)    1 

OT002: Old Testament II (select from PAS 511 or PRA 501)    1 

OT003: Old Testament III (select from MIS 503 or PAS 501)    1 

NT001: New Testament I (select from SFM 501 or 506, or THE 503 or 510)  1 

NT002: New Testament II (select from THE 502 or 504)    1 

Elective I          1 

Elective II          1 

          Total = 10 


Note: Bible Panorama and Bible Study Methods serve as core courses. Electives must be two separate classes from among the allowable options, including TBS graduate courses taken as an audit for the audit fee (see “Tuition and Fees”). 


Vocational Ministry Certificate (VMC), Non-degree Certificate Program 


Required Courses              Graduate Credit hours 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations   3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry (Bible Panorama)   3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

Elective I         3 

Elective II         3 

                      Total = 27 


Note: Any other TBS graduate course may be taken for elective credit. 


Dual Degree Completion (DDC), Combined Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Program 


This program allows students with an Associate’s degree, coursework toward an unfinished undergraduate degree, and life experiences that may count toward college credit to enroll in The Bible Seminary on a degree track culminating in both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Students who successfully complete this program earn a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies (BACS), and either a companion Master of Arts (MA) or a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree as described elsewhere in this policy. The BACS incorporates previous college coursework (such as a 60-credit hour Associate’s degree), prior learning assessments, additional college studies, and TBS core graduate courses that can serve as dual bachelor/master credits. 

TBS only offers a combined BA/MA or BA/MDiv – or a separate MA or MDiv – but not a stand-alone BA. Accepted students may enroll in a TBS graduate program without any modifications and transfer in or work on the side to complete any non-TBS undergraduate requirements. Dual-degree graduates complete a combined total of between 138 and 150-credit hours for a BA/MA degree, or 174-credit hours for the BA/MDiv degree. Students are eligible to receive both degrees together after all requirements are completed for BOTH the undergraduate and graduate degrees and after all other conditions are met as detailed elsewhere in this policy. 

The customized degree may require students to take courses from other colleges or universities.  Tuition for any additional college courses and prior learning assessments outside of TBS and required to complete the bachelor’s degree are the responsibility of the student. Students enrolling in the program are responsible for applying, registering, enrolling, and transferring in credits from other schools and with respect to non-TBS undergraduate degree requirements. TBS tuition and fees for dual-credits and graduate credits are the same. For the BACS portion of the Dual Degree Completion program, students must earn approximately 120-credit hours as follows: 


General Education (non




English Composition 




College Algebra 




Natural Science 


 Chemistry, Biology, Physics, etc. 




 Economics, Accounting, etc. 


History and Civilization 


 American, Western, World, etc. 




 Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, etc. 




 English, Western, etc. 




 Speech, Print, etc. 


General Education Total =  




Bible and Christian Studies (non-TBS) 

 Minimum Credits 



Old Testament Survey 




New Testament Survey 




Basic Christian Doctrine 




World Religions 




Cultural Studies 


 Philosophy, Culture, Worldview, etc. 


Bible and Christian Studies Total = 




Electives (non-TBS) 

 Minimum Credits 



Electives Total = 



Can be fulfilled by any combination of prior learning assessments, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams, and competency assessments obtained from the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), such as Learning Counts (, and/or other college work. 



Combined BA/Graduate-level TBS Courses 

 Minimum Credits 







History and Theology 




Languages and Culture 


 Depending on the graduate degree 


Missions and Evangelism 


 Depending on the graduate degree 


Pastoral Leadership 




Preaching and Teaching 


 Depending on the graduate degree 


Spiritual Formation & Ministry 


 Depending on the graduate degree 


Combined BA/Graduate Courses Total = 




Total Undergraduate (BA) credits = 





Master of Arts in Biblical History and Archaeology (MABHA), Graduate Degree Program 


Required Courses             Graduate Credit hours 

ANE 501: Ancient Near Eastern Cultures – Ezra 4-6, Daniel 2-7   3  

ARC 501: Theory and Methodology      3  

ARC 510: Ceramic Analysis       3  

ARC 520: Excavation and Practicum Field School I    3  

ARC 521: Excavation and Practicum Field School II    3  

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3  

GRK 501: Greek Language I – Jude, 2 & 3 John     3  

GRK 502: Greek Language II – 1 John      3  

HEB 501: Hebrew Language I – Jonah, Nahum     3  

HEB 502: Hebrew Language II – Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi   3  

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations   3  

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings   3  

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3  

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry (Bible Panorama)   3  

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3  

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3  

THE 520: Biblical Archaeology – Judges      3  

THE 525: Ancient Near East History and Archaeology    3 

Elective I         3 

CAP 590: Capstone        3 

                     Total = 60 


Note: Any other TBS graduate course may be taken for elective credit.  



Master of Arts in Biblical Languages and Culture (MABLC), Graduate Degree Program 


Required Courses              Graduate Credit hours 

ANE 501: Ancient Near Eastern Cultures – Ezra 4-6, Daniel 2-7   3  

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3  

GRK 501: Greek Language I – Jude, 2 & 3 John     3  

GRK 502: Greek Language II – 1 John      3  

HEB 501: Hebrew Language I – Jonah, Nahum     3  

HEB 502: Hebrew Language II – Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi   3  

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations   3  

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings   3  

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3  

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry (Bible Panorama)   3  

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew 3  

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3  

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3  

THE 511: Church History II       3 

Elective I         3 

Elective II          3 

Elective III          3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                     Total = 54 


Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MABS), Graduate Degree Program 


No Concentration 


Required Courses               Graduate Credit hours 

APO 501: Apologetics – Proverbs, James, 1 Peter     3 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3 

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry – Bible Panorama    3 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3 

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus   3 

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation    3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

THE 511: Church History II        3 

Elective I          3 

Elective II          3 

Elective III          3 

Elective IV          3 

Elective V          3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                    Total = 60 


Concentration in Biblical Leadership 


Required Courses               Graduate Credit hours 

APO 501: Apologetics – Proverbs, James, 1 Peter     3 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3 

PAS 502: Pastor-Shepherd II – Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon  3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3 

PAS 512: Pastor-Leader II – Joshua, Ezra, Nehemiah     3 

PAS 520: Culture, Politics, and Society      3 

PAS 530: Organizational Models, Phases, and Best Practices    3 

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry – Bible Panorama    3 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3 

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus   3 

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation    3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

THE 511: Church History II        3 

Elective I          3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                     Total = 60 


Concentration in Christian Education 


Required Courses               Graduate Credit hours 

APO 501: Apologetics – Proverbs, James, 1 Peter     3 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

EDU 501: Educational History, Philosophy, and Trends    3 

EDU 502: Curriculum and Learner Development     3 

EDU 503: Instructional Methods, Models, and Best Practices    3 

EDU 504: Instructional Administration and Assessment    3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3 

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

PRE 502: Expository Preaching/Teaching II – 1 & 2 Thessalonians   3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry – Bible Panorama    3 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3 

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus   3 

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation    3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

THE 511: Church History II        3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                     Total = 60 


Concentration in Media Production 


Required Courses               Graduate Credit hours 

APO 501: Apologetics – Proverbs, James, 1 Peter     3 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3 

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

PRE 502: Expository Preaching/Teaching II – 1 & 2 Thessalonians   3 

PRO 501: Communications Past, Present, and Future    3 

PRO 502: Professional Media Production and Publishing    3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry – Bible Panorama    3 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3 

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus   3 

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation    3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

THE 511: Church History II        3 

Elective I          3 

Elective II          3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                     Total = 60 


Concentration in Missions 


Required Courses               Graduate Credit hours 

APO 501: Apologetics – Proverbs, James, 1 Peter     3 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

LAN 501: Foreign Language (Basic)       3 

LAN 502: Foreign Language (Advanced)      3 

MIS 501: Missions I (Perspectives on the World Christian Movement)  3 

MIS 502: Missions II (Discipleship, Evangelism, & Church Planting) – Dt., Gal.  3 

MIS 503: Missions III (Anthropology) – Hosea, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah  3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3 

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry – Bible Panorama    3 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3 

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus   3 

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation    3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

THE 511: Church History II        3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                     Total = 60 



Master of Arts in Church History and Theology (MACHT), Graduate Degree Program 


Required Courses             Graduate Credit hours 

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark    3 

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3 

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3 

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3 

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah    3 

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry (Bible Panorama)    3 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3 

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis       3 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3 

THE 503: Theology III – 1&2 Corinthians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus    3 

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation    3 

THE 510: Church History I – Acts       3 

THE 511: Church History II        3 

Elective I          3 

Elective II          3 

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                     Total = 48 


Master of Divinity (MDiv), Graduate Degree Program* 


Required Courses              Graduate Credit hours 

APO 501: Apologetics – Proverbs, James, 1 Peter     3  

BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark     3  

GRK 501: Greek Language I – Jude, 2 & 3 John      3  

GRK 502: Greek Language II – 1 John       3  

HEB 501: Hebrew Language I – Jonah, Nahum      3  

HEB 502: Hebrew Language II – Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi    3  

HEB 503: Hebrew Exegesis – Habakkuk OR GRK 503: Greek Exegesis – Gospel of Luke 3  

MIS 501: Missions I (Perspectives on the World Christian Movement)   3 

MIS 502: Missions II (Discipleship, Evangelism, and Church Planting) – Deut. & Gal. 3  

MIS 503: Missions III (Anthropology) – Hosea, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah   3  

PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations    3  

PAS 502: Pastor-Shepherd II – Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon  3  

PAS 511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings    3  

PAS 512: Pastor-Leader II – Joshua, Ezra, Nehemiah     3  

PRA 501: Prayer and Worship I – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms   3  

PRE 501: Expository Preaching and Teaching I – Isaiah     3  

PRE 502: Expository Preaching and Teaching II – 1 & 2 Thessalonians   3  

SFM 500: Spiritual Formation and Ministry (Bible Panorama)    3  

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation and Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew  3  

SFM 505: Spiritual Formation and Ministry V (Career Placement) – Song of Songs, Ecc. 3  

SFM 506: Spiritual Formation and Ministry VI – Ezekiel, Gospel of John   3  

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis        3  

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews      3  

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus    3  

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation     3  

THE 510: Church History I – Acts        3  

THE 520: Biblical Archaeology – Judges       3  

CAP 590: Capstone         3 

                      Total = 84 


* Note: TBS can work with individual students who may have denominational requirements to obtain additional course credits and educational experiences required by their denomination. 


The Office of the Provost is responsible for auditing the degree completion progress of all students in accordance with the pertinent degree program(s) outlined above, approving all graduation requests, and notifying the President of students academically eligible for graduation. The degree audit process includes substantiating the eligibility of all transfer credits and contributing degree(s) through verified transcripts received from other institutions. 

The Office of the Vice-President of Finance and Administration, Business Manager or other representative financial office designee is responsible for confirming that all financial obligations have been met and for notifying the President of the financial status of all students recommended for graduation by the Office of the Provost. TBS does not release academic transcripts for any student with outstanding financial balances, even if the student has completed all academic requirements. 

Students who meet the academic and financial requirements will be approved for graduation and may become certified graduates of the degree program(s) completed. Students who fail to meet either or both requirements will not be approved for graduation. 




• New Students – Students admitted on academic probation may be removed from probation following successful completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours and earning a minimum of a cumulative 2.50 grade point average. 

• Existing Students – Current students may be placed on academic probation if the cumulative grade point average slips below 2.00 – the standard threshold for consideration for graduation with a Master of Divinity degree. Probationary status may require a student to take a reduced workload. Students on Probationary status for more than two consecutive terms will be dropped from seminary enrollment. 

• Readmission – Any student dropped from enrollment as a result of being on academic probation for two consecutive terms may, after a period of one calendar year from the date of removal, seek readmission. In order to be readmitted, the student must reapply for admission and reconsideration. The student must explain how he or she has addressed the deficiencies in their education that will enable them to succeed the second time. All students readmitted will be placed on academic probation. No student will be allowed to reapply if he or she has been dropped from seminary enrollment twice. 

Proctored Exams 

The identity of all graduate students is verified through the degree application process, which includes submission of an application, background check, official transcript reviews, interactions with references, personal interviews, resume vetting, and financial transactions. 

Matriculated students receive secure log-in credentials to personally and privately access the OasisSIS Student Management System (SMS). All agree to adhere to the TBS Covenantal Documents, including the TBS Ethos Statement that includes commitments to “uphold integrity, respect, honor and character (2 Timothy 2:20-22)” and “do my best to live by this Ethos Statement with God’s help and power through Jesus Christ and for His glory.” 

If students are not physically present for a quiz or exam, they must pre-arrange a time to take their exam by proctor or to make-up the assessment in person. The professor may delegate a proctor or students may submit a suggested proctor for pre-approval by the administration. Students are responsible to follow up and ensure that they make up exams within one week. Exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis. Students not physically present for an assessment may be required to show a photo ID to the designated proctor to verify their identity before taking the assessment. All course syllabi specify the proctor process for Distance Education students. 


Student Life 


TBS aims to compliment the educational aspects of the institution with additional elements that can help provide wholesome experiences that are nurturing, provisional in keeping with the size and style of TBS, and safe. Although the TBS campus model offers no standard residential student life components, the seminary does provide beneficial student services through the Student Services Coordinator and other staff under the direction of the Provost. 


Student Administrative Services 

Key administrative services offered to TBS students include assistance exploring educational opportunities, applying, enrolling, registering for classes, paying tuition and fees, finding and accessing classroom locations, classroom support while on campus, course materials and resources support, and digitally accessing and navigating the TBS web site and Student Web Portal. 

Additional services may include: 

• Financial assistance – helping students find and apply for scholarships, helping students produce and mail personal support newsletters, helping students nurture a support network for immediate and long-term ministry. 

• Residential assistance – helping students find a place to live while attending TBS. 

• Study Tour assistance – helping students find, apply for, fund, prepare for and travel to Israel and perhaps other locations as part of their educational experience. 

• Technological assistance – helping students access and learn how to effectively use various devices in the classroom (both Mac and Windows platforms), as well as presentation and production software (such as Canva, InDesign, iMovie, Photoshop, PowerPoint, Premiere, Skype, Word, Zoom) and social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and personal web sites on Joomla, Wix, WordPress, or other web platforms). 

• Travel assistance – helping students arrange for and travel to and from certain class locations. 


Student Clubs and Organizations 

Student Government Association (SGA) - provides organization and leadership for the Student Body at large in order to promote the best possible communication, understanding, and cooperation among administration, faculty, and Student Body as they uphold the biblically-based educational philosophy of the seminary. 


SGA Officers, 2022-23 (TBA) 


• President  

• Vice-President 

• Secretary/Treasurer 

• Chaplain 

• Activities Director 


Students wishing to form additional clubs or organizations should schedule a meeting with the Provost, followed by a written request.  


Student Complaints 

Students or prospective students of The Bible Seminary with a complaint should follow the rule of Matthew 18:15-16 as their primary model and as outlined in the TBS Grievance Policy (see “Student Catalog”). This includes speaking directly and confidentially with the person most responsible for the situation in a timely manner (within 14 days) in attempt to resolve the problem with dialogue through calm, rational dialogue and Christ-like demeanor. If the conversation does not bring a satisfactory response, or if it is not appropriate for the student or prospective student to speak with the person, the student or prospective student should speak confidentially with the Provost, who can assist in resolving his or her informal complaint.  

If this process proves unsatisfactory, a formal complaint may be filed to allow both parties due process in resolving an issue not able to be settled informally. The Provost serves as the Complaint Officer for TBS, will advise persons through the formal complaint process outlined in the next section, and will keep documentation of formal academic complaints in a locked file in the Provost’s office.  

Complaint Notification Process 

1. It is advisable (although not required) for a student to meet with his or her academic dean to discuss the matter prior to writing a complaint letter. 

2. Official complaints should be submitted in writing to Provost either by e-mail or letter. 

3. Complaints should clearly denote date(s), facts, person(s) involved, and specific details. 

4. Except in extenuating circumstances, complaints must be signed and dated by the complaining party. Anonymous complaints, or complaints on behalf of persons not directly involved but submitted on behalf of someone else, will not be accepted or reviewed. 


Complaint Review Process 

1. The Provost will review the complaint and notify the appropriate person(s) for further action. 

2. The appropriate person(s) will investigate the complaint and, as necessary, meet with the complainant and/or other parties to determine an appropriate course of action and response. 

3. A report of the investigation and results will be submitted to the Office of the Provost, and a written response to the complainant will be provided, typically within two business weeks of receiving the complaint. 

4. If the written response does not resolve the complaint, the Provost will bring the parties together for a conference where the two parties can talk face-to-face (or if this is not practical, over the phone) in an atmosphere of fairness and cooperative problem solving. This meeting will include the faculty member, the respondent, and the Provost. The respondent may bring an advocate if desired. 



1. Complainants desiring to appeal a decision may submit a signed statement of appeal within two business weeks of the decision to The Bible Seminary, Office of the President, 2655 S Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77450. 

2. The Office of the President or designee will review all documentation related to the situation, review all information,  and may choose to meet with the complainant and/or other parties. 

3. The Office of the President will respond in writing concerning the disposition of the appeal within two business weeks of receiving the appeal. 

4. If the issue is still not satisfactorily resolved, a final court of appeal in the form of a Judicial Panel may be appointed by the President, and consist of the President, a representative of the Student Government, and a member of the Board of Trustees. Their decision is final and binding. 


After exhausting each procedural step of the above complaint procedures, persons still not satisfied with the outcome may file a complaint with the appropriate agency as outlined below. To the extent in which TBS has control, TBS ensures that all administrators, faculty, staff, and students will fully cooperate with the agencies listed below in the event of any complaint proceedings involving TBS. 


National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) – Student Complaint Process 


Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) 

1. An individual may make an inquiry to the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) regarding complaint procedures or about issues and concerns that could be considered complaints at which time TRACS will direct the individual to the TRACS website at with instructions on downloading the packet containing the Policies and Procedures for Complaints Against Member Institutions, the TRACS Complaint Information Sheet, and the TRACS Complaint Processing Form. However, TRACS response and its obligations to meet the specific timetables outlined in these procedures will begin only after the complainant submits all documents required in the TRACS Complaint Information Sheet. A formal complaint is one that is: submitted in writing using the TRACS Complaint Processing Form (including all required supporting documentation); signed; and sent to the attention of the President of TRACS by the complainant(s). Complaints which are not in writing, anonymous, or sent electronically or through facsimile transmission will not be considered. 

2. Once the complainant has filed a complaint on the TRACS Complaint Processing Form, the following procedures will be followed for review and consideration of the complaint: a. TRACS will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 15 working days. 

b. Within 30 working days of receipt of the complaint, the TRACS staff will review the complaint and its documentation and determine: i. Whether it is within the jurisdiction of TRACS and is related to one or more of the TRACS Standards; 

ii. If there is adequate documentation in support of the allegations; and 

iii. Whether the complaint raises questions regarding the institution’s compliance with the TRACS Standards sufficient to require the institution to submit information and documentation regarding the complaint. 

3. By the end of the 30 working days review TRACS will inform the complainant regarding one of the following dispositions of the complaint: a. The complaint will not be processed further because it is not within the jurisdiction of TRACS (not related to a TRACS Standard) or there is inadequate documentation to raise questions concerning the institution’s compliance with the TRACS Standards. 

b. Documentation is inadequate and additional documentation may be necessary from the complainant. 

c. The institution will be asked for information regarding the complaint. 

4. If information is required from the institution, TRACS will forward a copy of the complaint to the institution’s President who will be asked to respond and provide all documentation to TRACS within 30 working days of receipt of the complaint. 

5. Within 20 working days of receipt of the institution’s response, the President of TRACS will make one of the following determinations regarding the complaint: a. There is insufficient evidence of significant non-compliance on the part of the institution and the complaint will not be processed further. The decision of the President of TRACS is final. 

b. TRACS is unable to determine compliance at that time and the case will either be included in an upcoming scheduled visit to the institution or a special Focus Team will be sent to the institution to examine documents, interview appropriate individuals, make a determination regarding the compliance of the institution, and prepare a report with recommendations for bringing the institution into compliance. 

c. No response was received from the institution or evidence suggests the institution is not in significant compliance with one or more of the TRACS Standards and what steps will be taken to correct the issues up to and including possible Adverse Action. 

6. If either b. or c. above occurs, within 20 working days the President of TRACS will notify the complainant that the complaint is settled and which of those options TRACS will pursue and also notify the institution which of those options TRACS will pursue. 

7. The President of TRACS will present the findings of any team report to the Commission along with a recommendation at the next scheduled meeting; at which time the Commission will make a decision regarding the disposition of any non-compliance. The decision of the Commission is final. 

8. Following that meeting, the complainant and institution will be notified of the decision of the Commission. 

For more information on TRACS complaint policies, a complaint information sheet, or to obtain a complaint form, visit “Resources – Publications and Information – Complaint Packet” at Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), 15935 Forest Road, Forest, Virginia 24551; Phone: 434-525-9539; Fax: 434-525-9538; Email:; Website:

For complaints related to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, complainants may contact the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Office of General Counsel, P.O. Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711-2788. 

For complaints related to Title IX—Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1999 Bryan St., Suite 2600, Dallas, TX 75201. 

For additional information about filing complaints through other governmental agencies, visit,, or 


Student Conduct 

All TBS students acknowledge in their initial application their agreement with, and promise to abide by, the TBS Ethos statement, as well as other core documents. In some cases, certain student behavior(s) may appear questionable and/or seem to warrant disciplinary action. In such cases, the student and the behavior(s) in question may be investigated by a Student Council under the authority of the Office of the Provost. If not already provided for by a Student Council, a designated team of representative administrators, faculty, and students (at least one of each) should be appointed by the Provost either annually or as needed to serve in the capacity of a Student Review Board. 


Notification – Official charges should be submitted in writing, sealed, addressed to the “Student Council,” and delivered to the seminary’s main office. Charges should clearly denote date(s), facts, person(s) involved, and specific details. Except in extenuating circumstances, charges must be signed and dated by the submitter. Anonymous charges, or charges on behalf of persons not directly involved but submitted on behalf of someone else, will not be accepted or reviewed. Charges will be subjected to a preliminary review by the Student Council, or appointed sub-committee, within 30 days. If the preliminary review finds basis for continuance, a hearing will be scheduled and the student(s) in question notified – in writing – regarding the specific charge(s), time and place of the Student Review Board hearing, name(s) of the person(s) directly responsible for having reported the alleged violation(s), and copy of the TBS code, ethic, guideline, law, or other principle supposedly violated. With the exception of felonies or other instances that legally require disclosure, descriptions of alleged violations, the decision(s) rendered, and the person(s) involved in hearings will remain confidential. 


Hearing – A Student Review Board hearing will be held in which both sides can be heard. The hearing should be recorded on audio or audio/video. At the hearing, the defendant is entitled to: 1) Appear in person to present a defense and call witnesses. The defendant's failure to appear at the hearing should not be interpreted as an indication of guilt; 2) Ask questions of the Student Review Board and any witnesses; 3) Receive an expeditious hearing of the case; and 4) Ask that one of the Student Review Board members serve as an advisor to help him or her understand the procedures of the hearing. 


After the Hearing – An immediate explanation of the recommendations of the verdict shall be forwarded to Office of the Provost, or designated appointee, by the Student Review Board. Written notification of the decision should be provided to the student as soon as possible following the hearing. A record of the allegations, supporting materials, meeting notes, and recommended action(s) will be maintained in the student’s file during the time the student is enrolled at The Bible Seminary. 


Automatic Suspension or Expulsion – The following violations may result in an automatic referral to the Student Review Board for removal from the campus and other disciplinary action: verbal or physical abuse; tampering with fire safety equipment; tampering with locks, keys, or security; possession and/or use of illegal explosives; illegal or unlicensed possession and/or threatening use of lethal weapons on campus; possession and/or use of illegal drugs; or illicit sexual activity. For readmission details, see “Admissions – Probation – Readmission” on p. 14. 


Appeal of Disciplinary Action – Both complainants and defendants have the right to appeal a decision of the Student Review Board. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the seminary office and addressed to the “Student Council.” 

Appeals must be submitted within one week following notification of a decision. In the event of an appeal, the initial decision shall be stayed until an appellate board ruling is rendered. Appeals must include the specific ground on which the appeal is based, such as: 1) An error in due process which impaired either party; or 2) Evidence of a substantial nature that was either withheld or grossly misconstrued. Appeals should be reviewed by the Office of the Provost within one week of filing. The Provost, or designated appointee, should consider the original complaint, the decision of the initial hearing, the written appeal, and (if needed) the recording of the original hearing. Then, a decision should be rendered on the appeal, and the student(s) involved notified of the decision. A copy of all appellate meetings and communications should be kept in the student’s file. If an appeal is granted, the operational procedures guideline outlined above will be utilized in scheduling the appeal hearing. 


Decision on Appeals – Based on evidence presented in an appeal, one of the following actions will occur: 1) The original decision and disciplinary sanction is upheld; 2) The original decision is upheld, but disciplinary action is modified; or 3) The original decision and disciplinary action is reversed.  


Grievance Procedure – Should a student feel that TBS policy or the application of TBS policy is unjust, the student should first seek to resolve the issue with the person(s) involved. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved, the situation should be presented to the Provost. Ultimately, a final court of appeal in the form of a Judicial Panel may be appointed by the President, and consist of the President, a faculty member, a student, and a member of the Board of Trustees. Their decision is final and binding. 


Student Government 

The Student Body Government provides organization and leadership for the Student Body at large in order to promote the best possible communication, understanding, and cooperation among administration, faculty, and Student Body as they uphold the biblically-based educational philosophy of the seminary.  



1. The Student Body Government includes a President, Vice President, Chaplain, Activities Director, and Secretary, which are elected by the Student Body. Elections are held at the end of each spring semester for the upcoming school year.  

2. In order to run for a position as a Student Body officer, certain requirements must be met by the individual and maintained throughout the school year.  

Character: This will be based upon the approval of the administration.  

Academics: An average grade of “B” or higher must be maintained. No student on academic probation may hold office.  

Tenure: All positions require that a student attend The Bible Seminary for a minimum of one semester prior to elections.  

General: The Chaplain of the Student Body must be a student who has completed a minimum of 12 graduate hours at TBS.  


1. Nominations and elections of new Student Body Officers will take place in March.  

2. Nominations will be submitted to the administration, and with their approval, will be placed on the Student Body ballot.  

3. All campaigning will be done after the Administration has approved the ballot. Administration must approve campaign procedures and posters.  


Job Descriptions  


President: Plans Student Body chapel, oversees the yearly project for the Student Body, meets with the Director of Student Services and Student Body officers periodically, and serves as liaison to the faculty and Administration.  

Vice President: Assists the President, makes announcements in Student Body chapel, works with the Activities Director in planning activities, and assumes the duties of the President in his or her absence.  

Chaplain/Devotional Leader: Assists the President, brings the chapel message or schedules speakers for student body chapels. Administration must approve all speakers. Works closely with Administration in evaluating spiritual growth of the student body. Helps plan projects and activities to increase spiritual awareness and ministry opportunities.  

Activities Director: Assists administration in planning Student Body activities.  

Secretary: Keeps minutes of the Student Body Meetings, posts all Student Body activities on the school calendar, confirms chapel speakers, and sends thank-you notes to the chapel speakers from the Student Body. Agendas and minutes must be provided to Administration. 


Vacancies of Office  

1. Vacancies in the Student Government may occur due to resignation, failure to maintain standards (personal or academic) or loss of confidence (in which case a petition with at least two thirds of the Student Body’s signatures is required). Final decision will be made by the Administration in the presence of the Student Body officers.  

2. The Vice President will fill a vacancy in the office of the Student Body President.  Any other vacancies may be filled by special election as deemed appropriate by the Administration and the Student Body officers.  


Parliamentary Procedure  

1. The President oversees the order of business for all meetings of the Student Body.  

2. A quorum, at each level of Student Government, shall consist of a majority of all voting members present at that level. All students enrolled for graduate credit for a minimum of one graduate course are eligible to vote. 


Student Body Meetings  

Student body meetings take place on Mondays or other convenient times. These meetings are run by the student body government and are designed to convey information, make constructive suggestions, facilitate spiritual growth, and give an opportunity for students to socialize. 


Student Health Services and Insurance 

TBS does not currently provide any institutional student health services or institutional access to student health insurance services. 


Student Ministry Opportunities 


Churches and Ministries 

All TBS graduate-level  students are required to engage in at least 5 hours of ministry per week to help parallel experiential, practical ministry interactions in conjunction with their educational journey. Many students are already employed in vocational ministry positions in churches or para-church settings, while others volunteer in 

various ministry positions. Many students also supplement these experiences with cross-cultural ministry trips, study trips, and various service opportunities. In any given year, actively enrolled TBS students minister directly to thousands of people regionally and worldwide, and tens of thousands indirectly. Students who need assistance finding opportunities should speak with the Provost. 

Volunteer and some paid opportunities may also be available at TBS, and notification of these opportunities are typically made known whenever they are available. Again, interested students should contact the Provost for more information. 


Great Southwest Prayer Center ( 

Some students regularly volunteer to serve as part the ministries of the Great Southwest Prayer Center. For more information about volunteering through Audience of One (live prayer and worship sets in the prayer center), The Moravian Room (24-7 prayer lobby), Jordan’s Crossing Room (private prayer room), The Call Room (telephone prayer bank), call 281-647-7729 (PRAY), or email


The Katy Church ( 

• Weekly prayer on Wednesdays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. in The Great Southwest Prayer Center. 

• Monthly prayer on the first Wednesdays of each month from Noon to 1:00 p.m. to pray for and get to know various local ministries. Opportunities include hosting or helping host a lunch and helping administer the ministry and leadership network. 

• Annual Pastor’s Prayer Summit held each spring for 24-hours at a regional camp, bi-annually involving west-Houston and Katy-area ministry leaders and the next year ministry leaders from all over Houston. Opportunities include helping organize, host, and provide follow-up assistance for the retreat. 

• Annual National Day of Prayer held at the Merrell Center in Katy. Opportunities include helping organize, promote, host, and provide follow-up assistance for the event. 

• Annual Fire on the Altar 3-day non-stop prayer and worship. Opportunities include helping organize, promote, lead, and provide follow-up assistance for the event. 


For contact information for regional churches and para-church ministries, click on the “Ministry Directory” link at 


Student Cultural, Educational, and Religious Opportunities 

For more information about various opportunities and resources available in the Houston regional areas, visit the following links: 


• Cities: Fulshear, Houston, Katy (,,,, Pearland, Richmond, Rosenberg ,Stafford, Sugar Land (,, Tomball) 


• Counties: Fort Bend County, Harris County, Waller County  


Education: College of Biblical Studies, Houston Baptist University, Houston Community College, Lone Star College System, Rice University, San Jancinto College, Texas A&M University, Texas Southern University, University of Houston, University of St. Thomas, University of Texas, Wharton County Junior College 



Vocational Services 


TBS provides career counseling and vocational services under the direction of the Provost. Students are encouraged to work with the Provost and others to explore vocational options and pursue specific paths during their educational journey and may continue to receive information and assistance as alumni. 


For more information, contact The Bible Seminary at: 


The Bible Seminary 

2655 S Mason Road 

Katy, TX 77450 


281-646-1109 (Phone) 


© The Bible Seminary 


Latest revision:  10/3/22 

Current Version: Board-approved October 2022 

Original Version: Board-approved September 2018 

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