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Student Body Government

The Bible Seminary 



Constitution and By-laws  


Statement of Purpose  


The Student Body Government provides organization and leadership for the Student Body at large in order to promote the best possible communication, understanding, and cooperation among administration, faculty, and Student Body as they uphold the biblically-based educational philosophy of the seminary.  




1. The Student Body Government includes a President, Vice President, Chaplain, Activities Director, and Secretary, which are elected by the Student Body. Elections are held at the end of each spring semester for the upcoming school year.  

2. In order to run for a position as a Student Body officer, certain requirements must be met by the individual and maintained throughout the school year.  

Character: This will be based upon the approval of the administration.  

Academics: An average grade of “B” or higher must be maintained. No student on academic probation may hold office.  

Tenure: All positions require that a student attend The Bible Seminary for a minimum of one semester prior to elections.  

General: The Chaplain of the Student Body must be a student who has completed a minimum of 12 graduate hours at TBS.  




1. Nominations and elections of new Student Body Officers will take place in March.  

2. Nominations will be submitted to the administration, and with their approval, will be placed on the Student Body ballot.  

3. All campaigning will be done after the Administration has approved the ballot. Administration must approve campaign procedures and posters.  


Job Descriptions  


President: Plans Student Body chapel, oversees the yearly project for the Student Body, meets with the Director of Student Services and Student Body officers periodically, and serves as liaison to the faculty and Administration.  

Vice President: Assists the President, makes announcements in Student Body chapel, works with the Activities Director in planning activities, and assumes the duties of the President in his or her absence.  

Chaplain/Devotional Leader: Assists the President, brings the chapel message or schedules speakers for student body chapels. Administration must approve all speakers. Works closely with Administration in evaluating spiritual growth of the student body. Will 

help plan projects and activities to increase spiritual awareness and ministry opportunities.  

Activities Director: Assists administration in planning Student Body activities.  

Secretary: Keeps minutes of the Student Body Meetings, posts all Student Body activities on the school calendar, confirms chapel speakers, and sends thank-you notes to the chapel speakers from the Student Body. Agendas and minutes must be provided to Administration. 


Vacancies of Office  


1. Vacancies in the Student Government may occur due to resignation, failure to maintain standards (personal or academic) or loss of confidence (in which case a petition with at least two thirds of the Student Body’s signatures is required). Final decision will be made by the Administration in the presence of the Student Body officers.  

2. The Vice President will fill a vacancy in the office of the Student Body President.  

3. Any other vacancies may be filled by special election as deemed appropriate by the Administration and the Student Body officers.  


Parliamentary Procedure  


1. The President oversees the order of business for all meetings of the Student Body.  

2. A quorum, at each level of Student Government, shall consist of a majority of all voting members present at that level. All students enrolled for graduate credit for a minimum of one graduate course are eligible to vote. 



Student body meetings take place on Mondays or other convenient times. These meetings are run by the student body government and are designed to convey information, make constructive suggestions, facilitate spiritual growth, and give an opportunity for students to socialize. 


© The Bible Seminary 

Student Government Association 


Latest revision: 1/14/19 

Current Version: Approved September 2018 

Original Version: September 2018 

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