Updated: Apr 28, 2022
By Allison Taylor, TBS Marketing Director High-Tech Scans Reveal Ancient Hebrew Script, Centuries Older than any Other Known Tablets

At a press conference held at the Lanier Theological Library on Thursday, March 24, 2022, the Associates for Biblical Research (ABR) announced the discovery of a formulaic curse recovered on a small, folded lead tablet. The defixio came to light in December 2019 when archaeologist Scott Stripling, Director of the Archaeological Studies Institute at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas, led an ABR team to wet sift the discarded material from Adam Zertal’s excavations (1982–1989) on Mt. Ebal.
The ancient Hebrew inscription consists of 40 letters and is centuries older than any known Hebrew inscription from ancient Israel. Stripling formed a collaboration with four scientists from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and two epigraphers (specialists in deciphering ancient texts): Pieter Gert van der Veen of Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and Gershon Galil of the University of Haifa. The scientists employed advanced tomographic scans to recover the hidden text. In collaboration with Stripling, Galil and van der Veen deciphered the proto-alphabetic inscription, which reads as follows:
Cursed, cursed, cursed – cursed by the God YHW.
You will die cursed.
Cursed you will surely die.
Cursed by YHW – cursed, cursed, cursed.
According to Stripling, “These types of amulets are well known in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, but Zertal’s excavated pottery dated to the Iron Age I and Late Bronze Age, so logically the tablet derived from one of these earlier periods. Even so, our discovery of a Late Bronze Age inscription stunned me.”
Almost immediately Galil recognized the formulaic literary structure of the inscription: “From the symmetry, I could tell that it was written as a chiastic parallelism.” Reading the concealed letters proved tedious, according to van der Veen, “but each day we recovered new letters and words written in a very ancient script.”
Daniel Vavrik and his colleagues from Prague ensured the accuracy of the raw data which the team interpreted. According to Deuteronomy 27 and Joshua 8, Mt. Ebal was the mountain of the curse. Joshua 8:30 indicates that Joshua built an altar on Mt. Ebal. The defixio derived from previously excavated and discarded material from a structure Zertal believed was Joshua’s altar.
An academic, peer-reviewed article is in process and will be published later in 2022. The collaborative team consists of Scott Stripling, Gershon Galil, Ivana Kumpova, Jaroslav Valach, Pieter Gert van der Veen, Daniel Vavrik, and Michal Vopalensky.
Lead tablet photos by Mike Luddeni.
Note: The press conference was expertly organized and conducted by TBS team members Dr. Stripling and Allison Taylor, along with Dan Lawless, Jordan and Angela McClinton, Blake Quimby, and Gary Urie. in conjunction with ABR and the Lanier Theological Library. Numerous members of the press participated live or virtually online from across the U.S. and around the world.
Press coverage:
Archaeologist Scott Stripling on Amulets That May Be Connected to the Mt. Ebal Curse in Deuteronomy, Eric Metaxas Radio Show, 4/28/2022
Archaeological find upends secular academia - Pod for Israel, ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry, 4/25/2022
An Early Israelite Curse Inscription from Mt. Ebal?, Biblical Archaeology, Nathan Steinmeyer, 4/25/2022
Newly Discovered Lead Tablet on Mt. Ebal – A Roundtable Discussion, OnScript, 4/14/2022
Miniature Tablet Confirms Biblical History, AG News, Dan Van Veen, 4/12/2022
Ancient Hebrew Language Artifact Discovered In Israel Linked To Biblical Passages, Theological Professor Says, Christianity Daily, Anton Carillo, 4/12/2022
Ancient Hebrew Language Fragment Uncovered Near Mt. Ebal, ChurchLeaders, Timothy Cockes, 4/11/2022
Proof in the writing, WORLD, Paul Butler, 4/7/2022
Hebrew curse tablet found by Houston archaeologist, Fox 26 Houston, 4/6/2022
Stone tablet with curse written inside may solve ancient Biblical mystery, UK Mirror, Michael Havis and Hollie Bone, 4/6/2022
Bible bombshell reveals millennia old curse that could have been written by eyewitness, Daily Star, Ewan Gleadow, 4/6/2022
New details emerge about Katy archaeologist's 'curse tablet' that could shake up Biblical timeline, Houston Chronicle, Claire Goodman, 4/5/2022
Ancient “Curse Tablet" FOUND in Israel Proves Bible's Authenticity? Watchman Newscast, Erick Stakelbeck, 4/5/2022
Did Archaeologists Discover the Oldest Hebrew Text? An Interview with Dr. Jeremiah Johnston, Dr. Sean McDowell, 4/5/2022
The Mount Ebal Curse Tablet, Featuring Dr. Scott Stripling on CenterPoint, TBN, 4/5/2022
Why does a 3,300 year-old piece of rock from Mount Ebal matter? The Times of Israel, Shawn Zelig Aster, 4/3/2022
Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Hebrew Curse Tablet, PJ Media, Chris Queen, 4/3/2022
Does 'curse amulet' prove the discovery of Joshua's altar on Mount Ebal?, The Jerusalem Post, Adam Eliyahu Berkowtiz, 4/3/2022
Katy Archaeologists bring Israel to Texas, Hello Woodlands, Judy Powell, 4/3/2022
News Alert - Hebrew Curse Tablet Deciphered - Mentions Israel's God!, Patterns of Evidence, Steve Law, 4/1/2022
Ancient Hebrew ‘Curse Tablet’ Discovered at Joshua’s Altar on Mt. Ebal, The Trumpet, Christopher Eames, 3/31/2022
Ancient "Curse Tablet" May Be Earliest Ever Example Of Hebrew Writing, Live Science, Katie Spalding, 3/31/2022
Mt. Ebal Curse Tablet discussion with Dr. Scott Stripling, The Bible Seminary, 3/31/2022
The Curse From Mount Ebal that Became an Archaeological Blessing! One For Israel, 3/30/2022
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Ancient 'curse tablet' may show earliest Hebrew name of God, LiveScience, Tom Metcalfe, 3/29/2022
A curse amulet with the oldest mention of YHWH ever found in Israel, Evangelical Focus, Tim Lopez Eriksson, 3/29/2022
Temuan Tablet Kutukan, Diperkirakan Lebih Tua dari Gulungan Laut Mati, National Geographic Indonesia, Sysilia Tanhati-Senin, 3/28/2022
Curse Tablet Found on Mount Ebal Suggests Early Literacy Came to Israel, Ancient Origins, Sahir Pandey, 3/26/2022
Tablet with God’s Name, Biblical Curse, Discovered on ‘Curse Mount’ Ebal in Samaria, Jewish Press, David Israel, 3/25/2022
CURSED TREASURE Tiny Hebrew ‘curse tablet’ including name of God uncovered by archaeologists, The U.S. Sun, Jona Jaupi, 3/25/2022
Rare ‘Cursed’ Tablet Predating The Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered On Mount Ebal Could Re-Write History – Scientists Say, AncientPages.com, Conny Waters, 3/25/2022
Ancient curse amulet discovered from Mt. Ebal, Israel365 News, 3/25/2022
Lead Curse Tablet Discovered at Mount Ebal Supports the Bible's Own Internal Timeline, Word for Word Bible Comic, Simon Amadeus Piallario, 3/25/2022
3,000-Year-Old Tablet with God's Name Affirms Biblical Timeline, Archaeologist Says; Christian Headlines, Michael Foust, 3/25/2022
Archeological ‘earthquake’: Tiny tablet, ancient Hebrew curse found by Lancaster-based organization, ABC27 (WHTM) in Lancaster County, PA; Seth Kaplan and Ben Schad; 3/25/2022
Oldest Hebrew Inscription Ever Found in Israel–What We Know So Far? James Tabor, 3/25/2022
Researchers Say They’ve Deciphered an Ancient Tablet Found on Biblical Mountain, CBN News, 3/24/2022
Early Israelite Curse Inscription Found on Mt. Ebal, Haaretz, Ruth Schuster, 3/24/2022
Ancient Curse Inscription Deciphered from Tablet Discovered During Archaeological Wet Sift on Mt. Ebal, Katy Christian Magazine, Allison Taylor, 3/24/2022
Archaeologist claims to find oldest Hebrew text in Israel, including the name of God, The Times of Israel, Amanda Borschel-Dan, 3/24/2022
Ancient Hebrew ‘Curse Tablet’ Discovered at Joshua’s Altar on Mt. Ebal, Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology, Christopher Eames, 2/24/2022
Researchers decipher oldest known Hebrew inscription on 'cursed' tablet, The Jerusalem Post, Judith Sudilovsky, 3/24/2022
Ancient Curse Inscription Deciphered from Tablet Discovered During Archaeological Wet Sift on Mt. Ebal, Katy Christian Magazine, Allison Taylor, 3/24/2022
ABR Researchers Discover the Oldest Known Proto-Hebrew Inscription Ever Found, Associates for Biblical Research, 3/24/2022
Ancient curse tablet found by Katy archaeologist suggests new timeline for Old Testament events, Houston Chronicle, Claire Goodman, 3/24/2022
Does a tiny 'curse tablet' from Mt. Ebal date to the settlement of Israel?, The Times of Israel, 3/24/2022
Ancient Curse Inscription Deciphered from Tablet Discovered During Archaeological Wet Sift on Mt. Ebal, The Katy News, 3/24/2022
Ancient curse inscription deciphered from tablet discovered during archaeological wet sift on Mt. Ebal, The Scotfree, 3/24/2022
Ancient curse inscription deciphered from tablet discovered during archaeological wet sift on Mt. Ebal, ECN News, 3/24/2022
An Ancient Poem from Mount Ebal, Abigail Leavitt, 3/24/2022