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3J Museum Educates and Inspires

The “Joshua, Judges, and Jesus – A Walk Through Biblical History” (3J) museum exhibit opened on the TBS campus March 1, 2022. Since then, people from Houston, throughout Texas, and coast-to-coast have enjoyed docent or self-guided tours most weekdays since opening, as well as some evenings and weekends. Visitors have included individuals, families, and small groups and Sunday School classes; organizational leaders and staff; and bus and van loads of elementary through college-age students, and adults of all ages from businesses, churches, community, and senior centers.

3J Museum Visitors: Middle and High School students from Covenant Academy in Cypress, Texas visiting along with their teacher, Dan Enright (front right) and 3J Museum Director and TBS Provost and Vice-President of Donor Relations, Dr. Scott Stripling (front, 2nd from right).

The 170 artifacts and signage offer insight into life in Israel from the times of Joshua’s conquest to Judges, Jesus, and up to the Byzantine period. The displays reveal how archeological explorations and research help illuminate scripture and provide evidence that the Bible is a reliable historical document that describes real people, real places, and real events.

Most of the 3J Museum objects are on loan from the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria (KAMAT), the Horn Museum, the Dorsey Museum, and the University of Pikeville, as well as several private collections.

Although attendance is free, it is very expensive to do archaeology and research, build displays, rent facilities, purchase equipment, transport artifacts, and host tours and exhibits. The costs incurred by our archaeological staff and students amount to tens of thousands of dollars every year which has primarily come through donors and, very often, the personal investments of TBS leaders and students.

We invite you to help SUPPORT the 3J Museum’s exciting educational and inspirational ministry to students and others in organizations and communities near and far.

The 3J Museum will remain open at least through spring 2023. Click here for more information or to schedule a tour.

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