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Master of Divinty

The purpose of the MDiv program is to integrate an in-depth study of the Bible with the standard historical, theological, and practical disciplines critical to developing professional skills for ministry in the 21st century. The program includes 28 graduate courses (84- credit hours) designed to teach all 66 books of the Bible over a three-year course of study. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will receive a Master of Divinity degree. The program is available for FULL-TIME students (registered for 9 or more credit hours per semester), PART-TIME students, and auditors.

Program Objectives

  1. To equip students with in-depth background and content knowledge of all 66 biblical books.

  2. To expose students to the major theological concepts and doctrines.

  3. To teach students the major personalities and events of church history.

  4. To prepare students for success in ministry and/or doctoral studies.

  5. To expose students to a wide array of ministerial duties.

  6. To enable students to maintain a healthy balance between family and ministry.

  7. To equip students to use the original biblical languages in their preaching and teaching.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the TBS MDiv program will possess the following competencies:

  1. The student will demonstrate mastery of the background and content of all 66 biblical books through the SFM 500 post- course assessment. The student will demonstrate mastery of major theological concepts and doctrines through post-course assessments and final exams in the theology sequence (THE 501 – 504) and the church history sequence (THE 510 and THE 511). The student will demonstrate mastery of the major personalities and events of church history through exams, research assignments, and presentations in THE 510 and/or THE 511.

  2. The student will demonstrate preparation for success in ministry and/or doctoral studies by completing a summative and comprehensive Capstone project (CAP 590).

  3. The student will demonstrate mastery of a wide array of ministerial duties as measured by assessments, in-class preaching assignments in PRE 501 and final exams in PAS 501, PAS 511, and SFM 501. The student will demonstrate competency in Hebrew and Greek through final exams in HEB 502 and GRK 502. The student will develop the ability to exegete, exposit, and defend his or her faith as demonstrated by post-course assessments in APO 501, GRK 502, HEB 502, and PRE 501.

Frequency of Offering

At least some courses required for the MDiv program are offered every fall and spring semester on the main campus, and some core courses are also offered at various remote instructional locations. See the Academic Calendar for specific times and availabilities.

CORE Courses (Required)

Culture and Languages

GRK 501: Greek Language and Culture I – Jude, 2 & 3 John 

GRK 502: Greek Language and Culture II – 1 John 

GRK 503: Greek Exegesis – Gospel of Luke (or HEB 503: Hebrew Exegesis – Habakkuk)

HEB 501: Hebrew Language and Culture I – Jonah, Nahum 

HEB 502: Hebrew Language and Culture II – Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi 


BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark 

History and Theology

THE 501: Theology I – Genesis 

THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews 

THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians; 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation 

THE 510: Church History – Luke, Acts 

THE 520: Biblical Archaeology – Judges 


PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations 

PAS 502: Pastor-Shepherd II – Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon 

PA S511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings 

PAS 512: Pastor-Leader II – Joshua, Ezra, Nehemiah

Missions and Evangelism

APO 501: Apologetics – James, 1 Peter 

MIS 501: Missions I (Perspectives on the World Christian Movement) 

MIS 502: Missions II (Discipleship, Evangelism, and Church Planting) – Deuteronomy, Galatians 

MIS 503: Missions III (Anthropology) – Amos, Habakkuk, Hosea, Micah, Zephaniah 

Preaching and Teaching

PRE 501: Expository Preaching/Teaching I – Isaiah 

PRE 502: Expository Preaching/Teaching II – 1 & 2 Thessalonians 

Spiritual Formation and Ministry

PRA 501: Prayer & Worship I – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms 

SFM 501: Spiritual Formation & Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew

SFM 505: Spiritual Formation & Ministry V (Career Placement) – Song of Songs, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes 

SFM 506: Spiritual Formation & Ministry VI – Ezekiel, Gospel of John


CAP 590: Capstone 

CORE = 27 courses, 81-credit hours

ELECTIVE = 1 course, 3-credit hours

* If you have other degree requirements such as Doctrine, History, and Polity courses associated with your church, denomination, or other organization, TBS can work with you to help make sure your educational journey includes the appropriate course(s).

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