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MA in Church History and Theology

48-credit hours

The purpose of this program is to offer MACHT students opportunities to study all 66 books of the Bible strategically and comprehensively, learn basic historical, theological, and practical knowledge critical for serving in professional ministry leadership, and experientially explore and practice ministry skills related to in-depth knowledge of church history and theology.

Program Objectives

  1. To train students in the background and content of all 66 biblical books. 

  2. To expose students to the major theological concepts and doctrines. 

  3. To teach students the major personalities and events of church history. 

  4. To prepare students for success in ministry and/or doctoral studies.

Learning Outcomes 

Graduates of the MACHT program will possess the following competencies:

  1. The student will demonstrate a mastery of the background and content of all 66 biblical books through the SFM 500 post- course assessment. 

  2. The student will demonstrate mastery of major theological concepts and doctrines as evidenced by research papers and post-course assessments in the Theology sequence (THE 501 – 504). 

  3. The student will demonstrate mastery of the major personalities and events of church history through exams, research assignments, and presentations in THE 510 and/or THE 511. 

  4. The student will demonstrate a preparation for success in ministry and/or doctoral studies by completing a summative and comprehensive Capstone project (CAP 590).

Frequency of Offering

At least some courses required for the MACHT program are offered every fall and spring semester on the main campus, and some core courses may also be offered at various remote instructional locations. See the Academic Calendar for specific times and availabilities.

Master of Arts in Church History and Theology (MACHT)

  1. Study all 66 books of the Bible strategically and comprehensively. 

  2. Learn basic historical, theological, and practical knowledge critical for serving in professional ministry leadership. 

  3. Experientially explore and practice ministry skills related to in-depth knowledge of church history and theology.

CORE Courses (all 14 required), 3 hours each


âš« BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark 

History and Theology 

âš« THE 501: Theology I – Genesis  

âš« THE 502: Theology II – Romans, Hebrews 

âš« THE 503: Theology III – 1 & 2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus 

âš« THE 504: Theology IV – Joel, Daniel, 2 Peter, Revelation 

âš« THE 510: Church History I – Luke, Acts 

âš« THE 511: Church History II (Holy Land study tour recommended) 


âš« PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations 

âš« PA S511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings 

Preaching and Teaching 

âš« PRE 501: Expository Preaching/Teaching I – Isaiah 

Spiritual Formation and Ministry

âš« PRA 501: Prayer & Worship I – Leviticus, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms 

âš« SFM 500: Spiritual Formation & Ministry (Bible Panorama) 

âš« SFM 501: Spiritual Formation & Ministry I – Exodus, Numbers, Matthew 


âš« CAP 590: Capstone 

CORE hours = 42

ELECTIVE courses (2 required, select from any available), 6 hours

MACHT = 14 CORE + 2 ELECTIVES = 16 courses (48-credit hours)

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