Dr. Mark Hassler
Shiloh Square Supervisor

Dr. Hassler serves as director of publications and field archaeologist for the Shiloh excavations. He worked at Khirbet el-Maqatir from 2013 to 2016. Dr. Hassler is associate professor of Old Testament and director of the ThM program at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. He is the editor of the Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin (NEASB), a peer-reviewed journal established in 1958. Mark earned his graduate degrees at The Master’s Seminary (PhD, Old Testament; ThM, Old Testament; and MDiv). In 2020 he will complete the editorial training program at the University of Chicago with a specialization in developmental editing. Previously, Dr. Hassler taught at The Master’s Seminary and Capital Seminary and Graduate School. He is the first vice president of the Evangelical Theological Society's eastern region, and he serves on the board of directors for the Near East Archaeological Society.