By Dr. K. Lynn Lewis
If you have not already done so, would YOU please adopt at least one book in the TBS library today?
Your contribution of $100 per book directly supports the TBS mission of training leaders in all 66 books of the Bible and helps build a legacy of faith until Jesus returns.
We need your help. Will you join together with others to support TBS by adopting at least one book?
Adoptions may include a dedication in honor or memory of someone special, and your personalized tribute will be included in a book highlighting your legacy gift. Adoptions can be made securely online, by mail, email, in-person, or by contacting our office.
Adopt-a-Book today and join us in strengthening faith, training minds, and building Christian community.
Don't delay. Adopt-a-Book today!

The giving table above shows GOALs and ACTUAL support. For example, we are seeking 255 donors who will together contribute nearly $79,000 per month during the fiscal year. We currently have 50 donors contributing a little over $25,000 per month and are seeking 205 additional donors. For example:
At the $100/month level, we are seeking 25 donors, currently have 13, and are seeking 12 more.
At the $300/month level, we have 3 committed and are seeking 12 more.
At the $2,000/month level, we have 2 committed, and are seeking 2 more.
The Adopt-a-Book boxes show the number of books available for adoption and the number adopted so far.