MA in Biblical History and Archaeology
60-credit hours
Study under recognized leaders in archaeology and related fields.
Strategically and comprehensively study all 66 books of the Bible.
Learn basic historical, theological, and practical knowledge critical for serving in professional leadership.
Experientially explore basic archaeological history, theories, and methodologies.
Program Objectives
To train students in basic archaeological history, background, and methodology, using data for both apologetic and hermeneutical purposes.
To expose students to the synchronistic relationship between archaeological data and biblical texts.
To address critical research issues in biblical scholarship through scientific excavations in Bible lands.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the MABHA program will possess the following competencies:
The student will demonstrate an awareness of the history and issues of Biblical Archaeology through assessed competence on research papers and projects (ANE 501, ARC 501, and THE 520).
The student will demonstrate the ability to use archaeology for apologetic and hermeneutical purposes as evidenced by his or her capstone project (CAP 590).
The student will demonstrate an ability to excavate following sound methodology through mentored field practicums (ARC 520 and 521).
The student will interpret archaeological data in light of regional settlement patterns and biblical narratives as demonstrated by written research assignments (ANE 501, ARC 501, and THE 520).
The student will express comprehensively the chronological, geographical, and thematic flow of the Bible as measured by the post-course assessment in SFM 500.
The student will master typologies and demonstrate an ability to date material remains based on typologies as evidenced through a mentored course (ARC 510) with a ceramics specialist.
Frequency of Offering
Select courses required for the MABHA program are offered during typical fall, spring, and summer semesters, regularly on the main campus and intermittently at various remote instructional locations. Uniquely for this degree, several courses are offered on location in Israel. See the Academic Calendar for specific times and availabilities.
Core Classes (all 19 required)
âš« ARC 501: Archaeology Theory and Methodology
âš« ARC 510: Ceramic Analysis
âš« ARC 520: Excavation Practicum & Field School I
âš« ARC 521: Excavation Practicum & Field School II
Culture and Languages
⚫ ANE 501: Ancient Near Eastern Cultures – Ezra 4-6, Daniel 2-7 (Aramaic)
⚫ GRK 501: Greek Language I – Jude, 2 & 3 John
⚫ GRK 502: Greek Language II – 1 John
⚫ HEB 501: Hebrew Language I – Jonah, Nahum
⚫ HEB 502: Hebrew Language II – Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
⚫ BSM 501: Bible Study Methods – Esther, Obadiah, Mark
History and Theology
⚫ THE 501: Theology I – Genesis
⚫ THE 510: Church History – Luke, Acts
⚫ THE 520: Biblical Archaeology – Judges
âš« THE 525: Ancient Near East History and Archaeology
⚫ PAS 501: Pastor-Shepherd I – Job, Jeremiah, Lamentations
⚫ PA S511: Pastor-Leader I – Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings
Preaching and Teaching
⚫ PRE 501: Expository Preaching/Teaching I – Isaiah
Spiritual Formation and Ministry
âš« SFM 500: Spiritual Formation & Ministry (Bible Panorama)
âš« CAP 590: Capstone
CORE hours = 57
ELECTIVE courses (1 required, select from any available), 3 hours
MABHA = 19 CORE (57- credit hours) + 1 ELECTIVE (3-credit hours) = 20 courses ( 60-credit hours)